Balthazar Productions
Daguerrotype 2016    star_border 5.7
An aging photographer's obsession with an early form of photography draws his assistant and daughter into a work of mystery.
Manutention légère 2014
Marion is a low-level employee in a high end ready-to-wear clothing business. He has a sole obsession: to present a prototype he's made to his boss, Monsieur Charlie. Jeanette, who he's very fond of, is worried and looks for him everywhere, while Michel, who controls the merchandise, wants to tell Monsieur Charlie that something isn't quite right about this particular morning.
Beautiful Youth 2014    star_border 6
Natalia and Carlos, both aged 20, are in love and struggling to survive in today’s Spain. Their limited resources prevent them from getting ahead as they’d like to. They have no great ambitions because they have no great hopes. To earn some money, they decide to shoot an amateur porno film. The birth of their daughter Julia is the main catalyst for the changes they make.
Post Partum 2013    star_border 1
Luce and Ulysse love each other. They live a full and happy life managing their own little veterinary clinic on the Atlantic coast. Luce is awaiting a happy event. The future looks good. At least at first sight. But when baby Rose arrives, nothing goes as planned. Luce is out of her depth before the constant crying of her baby. Why does the baby cry so? Is she trying to warn her about something? Could it be that the little family is in danger?
Chamber Music 2012
Rose 12 years, spends his holidays in musical colony. By day she plays the flute in an orchestra. At night she shares a room with two clarinetists of 16. By proxy, Rose tries to get out childhood.
Dream and Silence 2012    star_border 5.7
Oriol and Yolanda live in Paris with their two daughters. During a vacation they suffer a car accident that will change their lives.
The Moon Child 2011    star_border 6.4
David, a professor of dermatology, has been treating 13-year-old Romain since he was a baby. Afflicted with a rare skin condition, Romain must avoid sunlight and is condemned to live in the shade. David and Romain have become the closest of friends and nothing can separate them. But then David learns that he is about to be transferred to another clinic in another town. How will he be able to break the news to Romain? And how will Romain cope with this new crisis in his life?
The Queen of Hearts 2009    star_border 5.5
In this musical take on everyday life, Adele is devastated after a painful breakup. Her distant cousin, Rachel, finds her a job and suggests that Adele sleep with other men to get over her heartbreak. The search begins, but Adele can’t escape the visage of her former lover….
Water Lilies 2007    star_border 6.5
Set during a sultry summer in a French suburb, Marie is desperate to join the local pool's synchronized swimming team, but is her interest solely for the sake of sport or for a chance to get close to Floriane, the bad girl of the team? Sciamma, and the two leads, capture the uncertainty of teenage sexuality with a sympathetic eye in this delicate drama of the angst of coming-of-age.
The Man Who Wanted a Child 2007
Alfred lives with his mother in a small village keeping chickens and selling eggs at the local market. He doesn't speak, except to his mother and to children. He has a girlfriend of sorts, although she shies away from any physical contact with her. But more than anything, Alfred wants a child. As natural fatherhood is out of the question he takes the next best option, and makes an application to adopt. With a very un-French lack of bureaucracy Alfred's adoptive son arrives, but turns out not to be the bouncing baby he was hoping for. [taken from London Film Festival 2006 catalogue]
Johnny Suede 1991    star_border 5.2
A struggling young musician and devoted fan of Ricky Nelson wants to be just like his idol and become a rock star.