INCE - Instituto Nacional de Cinema Educativo
Festa do Divino Espírito Santo 1975
A Cabra na Região Semi-Árida 1966
On the dry ground of the caatinga and on the rocky slopes of the sertão, the goat survives. Organic parts of the country landscape, linked to the economy of certain regions, provide milk, meat and skin for export.
Fábulas 1966
Mário Gruber 1966
Rio, Uma Visão do Futuro 1966
The architect Sérgio Bernardes' vision of the future for Rio de Janeiro. Models and designs of airports, ports, and remodeled neighborhoods propose the creation of a vertical city for the urban problem and its transformation into an international center for commercial and
Uma Alegria Selvagem 1966
A reconstitution of the life and work of Alberto Santos Dumont, the father of aviation. The film makes use of rare recordings of his voice and quotes from his memoir.
Jornada Kamayurá 1966
Fala Brasília 1966
An amalgamation of accents and life experiences from different parts of Brazil reunited on the city of Brasília.
O Primeiro Salto 1965
A Velha a Fiar 1964    star_border 6.6
A Velha a Fiar illustrates a Brazilian folk song in which a being or entity is always predating another being, but is in its turn predated by some other animal, until the circle closes. It begins like this: an old woman is quietly weaving and a fly disturbs her; a spider eats the fly; a mouse eats the spider; a cat chases the mouse and so on...
Retrato de Villa-Lobos 1964
Brasília: Planejamento Urbano 1964
The planning of the city, linking its architecture to its topography and the reasons that allow it to have normal and continuous traffic, eliminating the circulation problems of all major cities. Details of the buildings destined for the Government, the residences and the commerce. (Brazilian Cinematheque)
Kuarup 1963
Aspects of the life of the Kamaiurá, an indigenous tribe that inhabits the Upper Xingu. The manioc-based food, the training with bow and arrow and the work carried out by the young Indian, the girls learn how to spin, and the boys develop the knowledge of the tribe with the shamans. An important rite is the Kuarup, which honors a great dead leader. The procedures for the rite: the decoration of tree trunks, the painting of bodies, the dance choreography, the physical confrontation between the Indians. Finally, the trunks are taken by children to the waters of the Xingu River.
O Papel 1962
A brief history of paper and the stages of its production. An animation about the history of writing, the emergence of paper in ancient civilizations and the invention of printing, taking paper manufacturing to an industrial scale. Paper production in Brazil, with emphasis on the use of pine, eucalyptus and bamboo. At Companhia Mineira de Papéis, in Cataguases, the stages of paper making. Paper consumption and its production in tons in Brazil since 1939. Brazilian self-sufficiency and the use of paper in various activities.
Endemias Rurais 1960
Museu Nacional 1960
A Medida do Tempo 1958
Animations (only parts in nuclei in the film) and images, many of them archival and foreign, illustrate that the notion of time is associated with movement and its measurement is performed by the rotation of the Earth around its axis and the Sun. The angle of inclination of the Earth in this last movement also marks the climatic seasons. From the need for greater accuracy in measuring time, gnomons and solar quadrants arose, for whose reading the duodecimal numbering is used. Based on this numbering, time zones and mechanical measuring devices were established, illustrated by the clock mechanism with a church bell. The evolution of astronomy determines the creation of more accurate electronic devices for the evaluation of time, such as the meridian telescope, the Markowitz chamber, the electronic oscillators and the telescope, with which astronomers work at the National Observatory.
Belo Horizonte 1958
A panel of the capital of Minas Gerais at the end of the 1950s. Aspects of its modern layout, the result of a pre-established urban plan, with its communication routes, squares and public buildings. Understanding the history of the city and its geographical location. Considerations on teaching, commerce and industry. Pampulha and residential neighborhoods.
São João Del Rei 1958
A panoramic view of the architecture of St. João Del Rei.
Congonhas do Campo 1957
Aspects of the city of Congonhas do Campo. The preponderance of baroque architecture, the Basilica of Senhor Bom Jesus de Matozinho, the six chapels on the terrace leading to Morro do Maranhão. Each chapel contains statues representing moments of the Passion of Christ. While in the first chapel there is Santa Ceia figuration, in the second there is the Passo Horto scene. The kiss of betrayal and the imprisonment of Christ before the scene of the third chapel. In the fourth, two scenes are gathered: the coronation and the flagellation. On the fifth, the Christ bears the cross and the crucifixion is featured in the sixth chapel. The twelve apostles of Aleijadinho and the Latin inscriptions of each one. The interior of the Basilica and its main altar, with the figure of the Lord Dead.
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