Hemshej 2024
In 1939, Joel and Jana escape from their village because of the arrival of the Nazis. That decision would make them the only ones in their family to survive the Holocaust. 80 years later, Juliet, their granddaughter, decides to retrace their steps to understand what lies behind her father's silence. Then, she begins to suspect that there is a part of her own history that was omitted.
Night Shift 2023
The night shift clerk at a sex hotel, suffering from narcolepsy, is faced with a night when things are unusually busy and housekeeping finds a gun in room 6.
Nostalgia for the Lake 2023    star_border 6
A vision from Limbo, where the canoeist of the eternal lake floats in his boat, between sleep and wakefulness. When he sleeps, he dreams of the everyday of a parallel time. when he wakes up, the same song haunts him again and again. his boat, “ara” (time, in guarani) travels through time like a shooting star.
Forastero 2022
Whispers of Concrete 2021    star_border 10
In recent years, the Marga Marga Province has witnessed a drastic change in the visual and sound landscape due to urban expansion. Faced with the observation and the need to explore the territory that seems more and more alien and less and less our own, the film functions as a material resource and support for plastic reflection on living in the midst of capitalist progress.
A Summer Love 2021
A young author sets off to Argentina to seek the lost fragments of her life story. Using the archival photographs and a personal narrative, this autobiographical reconstruction of a family history documents how world history shaped the outcome of one summer fling, the emergence of new families and their tragic separation.
Convivencia 2021
El espacio interior 2020
Luciérnaga de Plata 2020    star_border 5
Devil's Chapel 2020
After finishing building his Chapel, Lorenzo suffers a depression and is locked in it for three years. When he opens the doors he calls his children to show what he did: good and evil.
Mother River 2020
In a remote Peruvian city, lives Honorata Vilca, an illiterate woman of Quechua descent who sells candies more than 20 years ago, with the rain will cry to the sky itself.
Notes about identity 2017    star_border 10
Memorándum 2017    star_border 10
Mother Rain Release date not available