Red Queen Productions
End of The Line: The Women of Standing Rock 2021    star_border 8
Featuring shocking, never-before-seen law enforcement video surrendered by a disgraced officer, End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock is the incredible story of the indigenous women who establish a peaceful camp in protest of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline construction that desecrated ancient burial and prayer sites and threatens their land, water, and very existence.
The Heat: A Kitchen (R)evolution 2018    star_border 6
In restaurant kitchens, tight quarters, high pressure and hot tempers combine to create toxic conditions that make it difficult for anyone to survive, let alone climb the ladder to head chef. For women, the situation is even worse. Running a successful restaurant is a daunting challenge, even more so when the odds are stacked against you. But as women take charge at more of the world's top dining establishments, a cultural shift is dismantling the macho environment that made celebrities out of "bad boy" chefs. From New York City's star chefs Anita Lo and Amanda Cohen to the queen of French cuisine Anne-Sophie Pic, seven chefs share their struggles to overcome a system of inequality and harassment while delivering delicious dishes and redefining the dining experience. An appetite for change has taken hold and there's no turning back
Girl Inside 2007
26 year-old Madison explores the important spiritual side of transition with help from her grandmother to teach her all things feminine. Generational differences become clear, but are sweetly brought together in familal discussion.
Laugh In the Dark 1999
Laugh In the Dark takes us into the heart of “queer family values” with an odd little wagon train of “six fags, two dykes and an old lady” who pull into the dilapidated town of Crystal Beach, Ontario in the early l980s. The “boys” dream of restoring this former resort town to its earlier glory, with a twist. They open a B&B, and stage lavish cabarets, complete with lip synching drag queens, to raise money for early AIDS awareness.