Robert J. Horner Productions
45 Calibre Echo 1932
A cowhand and his sidekick come to the Texas border country looking for the man who had lured the cowhand's sister in bondage in Mexico. But the man doesn't want to be found and has hired some gunmen to see that he isn't.
The Apache Kid's Escape 1930    star_border 4.5
A former outlaw eludes the authorities by masquerading as a cowboy.
The Mystery Rider 1928
Silent cowboy Western serial.
Across the Plains 1928
Helen Williams, lured to a wild cattle-town on the promise of a job learns that the job she has is not the kind she thought she had, and finds herself selling drinks and dancing with drunk cowboys in the saloon. She meets Jim Blake, the rough-and-ready foreman of the Bar-X Ranch and they fall in love. And face more than a few problems on the way to getting married.
Pony Express Rider 1926
Bill Miller, youngest member of the notorious Range Riders, gets job as pony express rider. Indians become dangerous on the war path. Bill forestalls plan of a bandit chief to rob mails while trying to win the love of a girl and the respect of "Uncle Sam."
Ridin' Wild 1925
Like many Easterners who suffer from consumption, "The White Plague," Jim Warren goes to Arizona for the curative powers of its dry climate. When he arrives in Tucson, though, he cannot find a room because he is a 'lunger.' Ill and despondent, Jim is befriended by Betty Blake, the daughter of rancher and town sheriff Frank Blake, who suggests that he try the open desert. Wandering the desert, Jim happens upon members of the gang headed by Scar-face Jordon, a notorious rustler.
Travelin' Fast 1924
Evil Red Sampson and his band of rustlers shoot up Mineral Point, the ranch of William Conway, owner of a gold mine. Shot and dying, Conway reveals the location of his mine at Boulder Creek in a note.
Shootin' Square 1924    star_border 4
Dan Dawson hires on at the Mason ranch where he wins the affection of Ruth and alienates Frank Macy who gets fired. Later, on Dan and Ruth's wedding day, the cowhands bring Macy, now an outlaw and escaping the Sheriff disguised as a preacher, to perform the ceremony. But upon leaving Macy loses part of his disguise and Dan now recognizing him gives chase.
Virginian Outcast 1924
In the Deep South, plantation owner Col. Webster, who is in dire financial straits, is offered a loan by wealthy neighbor Sam Logan on the condition that Webster's beautiful daughter, Madonna, marry him. Webster turns down the offer, thus angering Logan.
The Fighting Kid 1922