Radio Liberty
Father and Son 2022
Rinat Sadykov lived all his life in the village of Oimur in Buryatia on the shores of Lake Baikal. He says that his wife wanted to move to the city, but he insisted on living in the village. Their children went to school in Oimura. After the divorce, the ex-wife moved to the city. Lately, Sadykov worked as a lumberjack, and went to work in Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude, because there was no work in the village. For the same reason, Sadykov advised his youngest son Vyacheslav, when he joined the army on conscription, to sign a contract and remain in military service. The last time the son came to the village to his father from the military unit for the new year 2022 to meet him together, and after that he went to the exercises in Belarus. After the start of the war on February 24, people from the military registration and enlistment office came to Sadykov's house and reported that Vyacheslav had died.
Tyva and War 2022
Tyva, the poorest region of Russia, ranks first in the country in terms of the number of confirmed losses in the war in Ukraine per capita. Nadezhda Baykara, a resident of the small Tuvan village of Sush, is proud that the men from her family have always served. My uncle died on the territory of Ukraine in the Great Patriotic War, my son participated in the seizure of Crimea, was in Syria. In the spring, Nadezhda's beloved grandson, Aldyn-Herel, died in the war in Ukraine. Baykara is sure that her other grandson will also become a soldier. Meanwhile, local shamans perform rituals to protect soldiers sent to Ukraine from death. Only a few young Tuvans, despite the risks, dare to speak out against the war.
The Medal 2022
On May 9, at the Immortal Regiment procession in the mountain village of Mizur in North Ossetia, local residents came out with portraits of their warring relatives. One of the posters featured a photograph of an officer who died in March in Ukraine. 33-year-old captain Aslan Dzantiev was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. On May 9, his family arranged a memorial ceremony, neighbors and relatives, according to the traditional Ossetian custom, prepared food and lit a candle on the grave of the deceased. In Caucasian families, men and women do not sit down together at the table and grieve differently, men make toasts and behave with restraint, and women cook food and do not hide their grief. Aslan Dzantiev grew up without a father and remained childless, his mother, grandmother and young widow mourn him at home.
Who Killed Fereydoun Farrokhzad? 2021
Almost three decades after his grisly killing in Germany, the murder of the exiled Iranian entertainer Fereydoun Farrokhzad remains officially unsolved. But an investigation by RFE/RL's Persian-language service, Radio Farda, has uncovered documents that point to Iran's intelligence services. And a former Iranian spy has revealed a possible suspect in the 1992 slaying of the outspoken critic of Iran's hard-line Islamic regime.
Teens & Cats 2021
After three teenagers died of an overdose, artist and activist Katrin Nenasheva organized a self-help group called "Teens and Cats". In it, teenagers share their difficulties and support each other. Initially, at the meetings of the group, they talked about how to cope with drug addiction, later to this was added a discussion of mental illnesses, bullying, violence, selfharma.
The Carriage is Served 2021
The rally in support of Alexei Navalny was initially called for in the center of Moscow, on Lubyanskaya Square, but the authorities blocked all approaches to it. Then some of the demonstrators went to the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center, where Navalny was. The police hunted them, cutting off individual groups and using force. Over one and a half thousand people were detained. Two days later, on February 2, the court changed Navalny's suspended sentence to a real one - two years and eight months in prison. On the same evening new protests began.
They Will Figure It Out Themselves 2020
Mother of a girl who committed suicide due to bullying at school; yesterday's teens who have experienced bullying; a girl who herself was involved in bullying. All the characters in this film have something in common: pain, complexes, self-doubt, indifference of adults. But the problem can be solved, and the heroes of the film talk about what to do in such situations.
I'm Going Out 2020
"I'm going out" - were the last words of the young Minsk resident Roman Bondarenko in a telegram chat before he went out into the street to stop unidentified people in civilian clothes tearing down the white-red-white symbols of the protests against Alexander Lukashenko at the "Square of Changes" in the center of Minsk.
We Are Walking 2020
A film by Daria Demur and Katerina Ignashevich "We Are Walking" is about the confrontation between peaceful demonstrators and riot police in Minsk.
Strike. Minsk Tractor Plant 2020
About young workers and why they joined the protests - the film by Sasha Kulak, Yulia Vishnevetskaya and Andrei Kiselev "Strike. Minsk Tractor Plant".
Borovlyany People's Republic 2020
On the evening of August 9, they celebrated and thought that this was happening all over the country, but then it turned out that Alyaksandr Lukashenka was declared the winner of the Belarusian elections. Now the inhabitants of Borovlyan are pondering what to do, and jokingly propose to create the Borovlyany People's Republic.
Belarus in Moscow 2020
After the start of mass protests in Belarus, demonstrators also appeared in Moscow - at the Belarusian embassy.
Minsk. Days of Freedom 2020
The "Akrestino" detention center in Minsk received the gloomy fame of a place where people were especially severely beaten and tortured. However, this did not stop the demonstrations, and the authorities - at least temporarily, stopped their attempts to forcefully suppress the protests - and people freely took to the streets of Belarusian cities, and demonstrations in Minsk became unprecedented in number in the post-Soviet years.
War. Belarus After the Elections 2020
The violent actions of the authorities did not stop the protests. The film "War" by Daria Demur, Ekaterina Ignashevich, Daria Gerasimenko and Maksia Pakhomov is about the street confrontation between demonstrators and the police.
Waiting for a Change. Belarus on the Eve of Elections 2020
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is going to be elected to this post for the sixth time in a row at the August 9 elections.
Stop! No Entry 2020
Once this place was one country, the Soviet Union, but now it is the border between the Kaliningrad region and Lithuania, Russia and the European Union. The Russians, whose ancestors were brought here from the east, still live in German houses, among German cemeteries. Across the border - Lithuania, which survived the Soviet occupation, the mass exile of Lithuanians to Siberia and regained independence 30 years ago with the collapse of the USSR. The life of the border regions on both sides of the two-meter fence may be different, but people are similar.
Suburb. Quarantine 2020
The "self-isolation" regime due to the coronavirus epidemic was announced in Perm on April 2, 2020. Patrol cars drove around the districts and an appeal was read through loudspeakers: "Citizens, we ask you to stay at home." It was forbidden to leave the house further than 100 meters, and move around the city without a pass. It was allowed to walk the dogs, go to the nearest grocery store and to the pharmacy, if required to keep a distance and wear masks. People over 60 were encouraged to stay at home. Streets and courtyards were patrolled. During the first week of quarantine, the streets were empty. The main points of congestion of residents were grocery stores and pharmacies. By the end of April, people began to go out for walks more often and treat themselves to irgi berries.
Striptease 2020
Striptease dancers - student, nurse, former loan officer, former athlete. The girls chose this profession to earn money. However, this is a complex world with complex rules, in a sense, dangerous production. The owner of a strip club is also a difficult profession. Lucky Lee, the head of the Moscow Golden Girls establishment, is a bright character, video blogger, fighter for world peace. To become the owner of a strip club, he gave up banking.
The Creep 2019
The Great Cross procession is considered the largest and most difficult pilgrimage route in Russia. Many participants in the course believe that if you go this way with pure thoughts and a specific request to God, then it will be fulfilled. The main character of the film Leonid also has a request - an intimate dream. And there is a feeling that for him this religious procession is the last.
The Girl With The Constitution 2019
In the summer of 2018, Olya Misik became known in the protest circles of Moscow as a “girl with the Constitution” - cadres as a young courageous girl read articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to riot policemen in all mass media. Not only journalists and students, but also policemen began to recognize the participant of the "Unlimited" street traffic. In September, Olya entered Zhurfak Moscow State University, and now she can be called a prominent Moscow activist.
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