Catch My Baby 2022
The documentary Catch My Baby revolves around the incident that occurred amid the Durban riots in July 2021, when people were evacuated from a looted and burned building, forcing residents into a life or death situation. Naledi Manyoni is the mother of a baby who had to be thrown out of a high-rise building during a fire in their apartment. The film includes first-hand accounts from people who were at ground zero on that day that had repercussions around the world.
Pendant 2022
An art dealer is seduced by a wealthy art collector to steal a pair of prestigious paintings. She enlists the help of her ex-lover and curator to accomplish the task. Deception and betrayal ensues.
Abigail 2019    star_border 7.2
After the death of their infant child, a young couple are tormented by a malevolent, supernatural entity.
REM 2019    star_border 9
"REM" is an Afrikaans Sci-Fi Drama about a grief-stricken father, Dehan, who becomes obsessed with the memory of his late wife, Lena, through the use of a high-tech, dream-altering device, the REM. This unhealthy obsession leads to Dehan struggling to reconnect with his young son, Erich, who survived the car accident that caused Lena's death. Dehan must decide to face and to confront his grief, reconnecting with his son, or to become so immersed in his fantasy dream-world that he loses touch with reality, and Erich, altogether.
Heel 2019
A professional wrestler struggles to reconcile his onstage and offstage personas.
Ana, Patrick and Nicolas 2013
A young man in a polyamorous relationship is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, and has to tell his two lovers risking shattering the perfect relationship.