Amur Waves
Life on Call. Male Gaze 2024
An oligarch who is allowed to do anything. The owner of an escort agency. A businessman convicted of sexualized violence. What do they have in common? The fact that they are all clients of the sex services market. It is the customers who form the demand for sex for money. But do they understand this?
The Right to Shoot 2023
Where are the boundaries of permissible self-defense when it comes to the civilian use of firearms? Does a person who is not going to use it need a weapon? The author's investigation helps to take an objective look at all these issues, to study in detail the position of people who have somehow encountered the use of firearms in everyday life.
Life on Call. Doc 2023
A story about the work of the elite segment of the sex industry in modern Russia on behalf of the representatives of the illegal business themselves.
Pelevin 2022    star_border 10
In recent years, Viktor Pelevin has been releasing a novel every year, each with a circulation of about 100 thousand copies - this is one of the best results in the country. At the same time, he has not given interviews for almost 20 years, does not appear in public and, according to rumors, does not live in Russia. Film director Rodion Chepel makes an attempt to combat hoaxes. To do this, he studied the archives, the early works of Viktor Pelevin and interviewed people who knew him.
God From the Machine 2022
The history of the beginning and flourishing of domestic computer technology and cybernetics in the 1950s-1960s. About a utopia that almost came true. Automation and cybernetization were even written into the Third Program of the CPSU in 1961. It was called the "Program for Building Communism", and it promised that in 20 years a communist society would be built in the USSR, free from exploitation, from want, from class contradictions, giving every person every opportunity for creative self-realization, based on the principle "from each according to abilities, to each according to his needs. The creators of this utopia, the carriers of a reasonable creative principle were scientists and engineers-cybernetics.
Берегите хулиганов 2021
The film, written by Roman Super and Ivan Proskuryakov, tells about the only circus in the world where difficult teenagers learn circus art and become real artists. Using its example, the Uppsala Circus project shows how creativity can give children the opportunity to live more interesting and successful lives. The film makes it clear to teenagers that there are places where they will be welcomed, and people who are ready to understand and help.
Sakharov. Two Lives 2021
Avenue, university and even an asteroid bear his name. Academician Sakharov is known all over the world: someone as the creator of the hydrogen bomb, someone as an outstanding public figure and human rights activist. All his life Andrei Sakharov lived between two fires - science and humanism - and this dualism formed the basis of the film. The picture will show the scientist as he saw himself, through his dialogues with the Conscience.
Durov 2021    star_border 6.9
The first biography of Pavel Durov, the creator of the social network VKontakte and the Telegram messenger told by his close circle. The biography of a person who claims to protects your privacy, but in fact - protects his own.
This Is Edik 2020    star_border 8
He gave us an unforgettable and unique childhood. What was the great Russian storyteller really like? A documentary film about Eduard Uspensky.
Leaves. A New Look 2020
Investigation of the causes of death of Vladislav Listyev. 25 years passed, but the perpetrators of the highest-profile contract murder in Russia in the 1990s were not found. Or didn’t you want to? Or found, but silent? Rodion decided to conduct his investigation. He wants to know the name of the customer. Six months of work, dozens of interviews with colleagues, friends and relatives of Listyev, investigators who conducted the case. And everyone answers the main question: who killed Vlad Listyev?
North Is Nearby 2019
The plot of the film is based on the second stage of the expedition "North is nearby." In the spring of 2019, daredevils on three all-terrain vehicles over 29 days covered more than 6,000 km along the northeastern coast of Russia from Novy Urengoy to Anadyr. They chose directions, and powerful Arctic vehicles carried them directly.
With Closed Windows 2019    star_border 7
A biographical film about the popular rap artist Detsl, whose real name is Kirill Tolmatskiy. The rap artist passed away at the age of 35 in 2019.
Theatre Affair 2018    star_border 5
In the spring of 2017, the Investigation Committee conducted the first searches in the criminal case, which everyone now knows as the “Serebrennikov case”, “the Seventh Studio case” or “The Platform case”. Six people, among whom is a world-famous director, are accused of having stolen more than one hundred million rubles allocated for staging performances from the state. And for this they can go to jail for 10 years. Journalists Katerina Gordeeva and Roman Super tried to figure out the essence of this matter. We talked to people who know what theater is, including in terms of money. Studied financial documents. Communicated with those with whom no one had ever succeeded. They understood why the applause of the audience and the compliments of the Ministry of Culture turned into arrests. And of course, went to all court sessions.
This is the Real Story: The Cohen Case 2018
In 2011, 26-year-old Galina Kolyadzinskaya disappeared in Vladivostok. A few years later, her boyfriend, Victor Cohen, was convicted of her murder. At the same time, the investigation did not prove that the girl died, and her whole family is sure that Galina is alive, and Viktor is innocent.
Russian Holidays 2021
13-year-old Viktor, 14-year-old Neva and 18-year-old Lucas grew up in Europe, and this will be their first trip across the expanses of Russia. They want to understand what it means to be Russian, and for this they will immerse themselves in the environment, study the national character and get acquainted with the cultural characteristics of Russia. They will make their way through the Caucasus Mountains and then go to the Russian North, and their guide on this journey will be the writer Mikhail Zygar.
Adventurers 2021
They give hope for healing, a profitable marriage, quick millions, but leave people with empty pockets and in complete disbelief. Seven stories about people who posed as rich people, life teachers and brilliant doctors — and were able to make money on it.
The Dyatlov Pass Incident. A Documentary Series 2020    star_border 9
In 1959, nine hikers had disappeared in Ural Mountains of Soviet Union. Even after 60 years, the mystery of their death remains unsolved. On February 2nd, 1959, nine hikers had disappeared in the Ural Mountains of Soviet Union. What the rescue mission saw was hard to believe: the tracks of barefoot prints were heading away from the cut open tent. During the period of several months the bodies had been located in 4 kilometers radius, some frozen to death wearing nothing but underwear or just one sock, others had their head or chest broken, eyes popped out or the tongue torn out. The mystery of Dyatlov group death remains unsolved for over 60 years. The official investigation hit the dead-end while dozens of private investigators and researchers around the world are proposing new versions of what had actually happened ranging from runaway prisoners’ attack to yeti involvement, from secret military tests to aliens. One of them is mountaineer and traveler Teodora Hadjiyska.
A New Reality 2020
A new crisis in a few days rewrote all plans, canceled business, destroyed dreams. How have we changed and our ideas about the world? What will happen next? Will it happen again? There are two views on the situation here: from April and August 2020. And the five key topics are work, family, medicine, debts, and the second wave of the epidemic. Journalists Alexander Urzhanov and Igor Makarov, together with experts, entrepreneurs and ordinary people, understand the new reality.
Enough! 2020    star_border 7
The presenters will discuss the stories of women who have experienced violence in different situations – at work, in the hospital, at home, in adulthood and childhood. Candid stories and figures will be the reason for a conversation in which a man and a woman will finally hear each other. And they will be able to say what they were silent about before.