Perpetual Motion Pictures
The Berenstain Bears' Comic Valentine 1982
The Berenstain Bears Comic Valentine is an animated television special based on the Berenstain Bears children's book series by Stan and Jan Berenstain. Produced by Buzz Potamkin and directed by Mordicai Gerstein and Al Kouzel, the program made its debut on NBC on February 13, 1982.
The Berenstain Bears' Easter Surprise 1981    star_border 5
A very inquisitive Brother Bear is wondering why Spring is taking so long to arrive. With Easter approaching and a new arrival to the Bear family on the way, Brother looks for answers, and Mama teaches him the true meaning of Spring.
Strawberry Shortcake in Big Apple City 1981    star_border 5.5
Strawberry Shortcake in Big Apple City chronicles Strawberry Shortcake's trip to Big Apple City, so she can compete in a baking contest at "the little theater off Times Pear". Strawberry's journey, however, is in jeopardy due to the constant interference of the Peculiar Purple Pieman of Porcupine Peak, who is her only competition in the bake-off. The Pieman counts on his kohlrabi cookies and a little trickery to beat Strawberry and her famous shortcake.
The Berenstain Bears Meet Bigpaw 1980    star_border 6
It's Thanksgiving in Bear Country, and the Bear Family get nervous when Mama Bear thinks they've gotten a sign that the "Thanksgiving Legend of Bigpaw" is coming true. The legend says that when bears get greedy and don't share their harvest, Bigpaw will come to destroy Bear Country. Eventually, the bears all learn a lesson about who Bigpaw really is, and they celebrate the holiday.
The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree 1979    star_border 5.9
Papa Bear and the cubs search the woods for the perfect Christmas tree, but run afoul of the woodland animals who live in the trees they aim to cut down.