location_onMunich, GermanypublicDE
Auf Messers Schneide - Eine Geschichte der Chirurgie 2024    star_border 8
Die Sonne 2024    star_border 7.7
Einsame Atolle, geheime Welten 2023    star_border 8
The endless expanses of the Indian Ocean are home to the last natural paradises: Remote atolls surrounded by coral reefs in crystal clear water. Whole regions of this ocean are still unexplored, many reefs are not marked on any map. The departure of the research vessel Agulhas II from the island of La Réunion marks the beginning of one of the greatest scientific adventures of our time. The expedition, initiated by Monaco Explorations with the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, lasted six weeks and led into the Western Indian Ocean along the Mascarene Plateau.
Free from... Are Substitute Foods the Better Alternative? 2023    star_border 8
For more and more people, food not only has to be tasty and healthy, but also good for the climate. Five alternatives to classic foods are being put to the test. Can they meaningfully supplement our diet? This documentary goes in search of answers with the vegan star chef Ricky Saward and health experts Irina Blumenstein, Sandra Ulrich-Rückert and Margareta Büning-Fesel.
Love Around the World 2021    star_border 9.5
From the moment we got engaged and set a wedding date, we began thinking about the reasons we chose one another. What was so special about this relationship that we decided to spend our lives together? Would our love be the same if we were born in another time or at another place? What is love exactly? Driven by those questions, we decided to embark on a one year journey around the world to research whether love, one of the highest values in our lives, is universal, or it is completely conditioned by the circumstances around us.
Die Abenteuer der Menschen 2020
The Lost Empires of Turkmenistan 2020    star_border 9
Heading into the lost empires of Turkmenistan.
Container Ship XXL 2020
Witness how technological visions become reality with the largest containership the world has ever seen. The largest cargo ship ever built is as large as four soccer fields, reaching 400 meters long and 63 meters wide.
Human By Chance? 2020
If we compare ourselves with our genetically closest living relatives, the chimpanzees, we have few physical advantages. We are far weaker, cannot move nearly as fast, and do not have the same climbing capabilities. Instead, humans excel in areas such as architecture, religion, science, language, writing, art, culture, and ideas. These achievements are due to our larger brain that contain billions of neurons. It was the rapid growth of our brain, originating about 2 million years ago, that allowed us to be the predominant species of the world. What caused this rapid growth of our cerebral cortex? Researchers worldwide have asked this question for many years, but now there finally seems to be an answer.
Lynx - Close Up 2019    star_border 8
The charismatic cats are generally quite shy, but very curious about the world around them. With the help of local rangers and 15 cameras set up in the Bohemian forest, we are able to track the lynxes and observe their every move – such as a hunt during night, or even the intimate hours during mating season. For the lynx, the environment around them is used to their advantage, like the long grass to sneak on prey, or even using the trees to sharpen their claws. With an arsenal of skills at their disposal, the lynx is an exceptional hunter. Come with us as we see these skills in action!
Germany's Wild Amazon 2017    star_border 10
As one of Germany’s beauties, the river was the gem of German landscape. But with industrialization it became the country’s hardest working river and like everything that has been overworked, it lost it magnificence and charm. Due to tender love and care, the river is now a reigning example of one of the most successful and outstanding renaturation projects in the country.
Cyborgs: Human Machines 2017
Over the past few years, technology has improved our lives in so many ways. Now, some people, called trans-humanists, are taking the next logical step - they are fusing their bodies with digital implants to increase their abilities and expand their senses - they are becoming, in effect, real life cyborgs. How is life going to change for us all if some people have supernatural powers?
Vorsicht Verführung 2024    star_border 8
Mapping Disaster 2023    star_border 7
Die Welt der Saurier 2023
Die Paten von St. Pauli 2022    star_border 7.2
Colossal Machines 2022    star_border 4
A look at some of the world's largest machines.
Europe's Forgotten Dictatorships 2021
The history of humankind is filled with power-hungry dictators. Come with us on a journey to the past as we re-visit Europe's forgotten dictatorships.
The Cause with the Jews 2021
In recent years, resentments and hatred towards Jews have become increasingly aggressive, louder and more brutal. What is at the roots of this development? Statistics show an extreme rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Germany but also worldwide. Berlin, for example, has become the city with the highest number of such attacks in Europe. Whether it’s from the left or the right, among Muslims or simply in normal everyday life - Jews and Jewish institutions are increasingly being threatened and violently assaulted in this country. In this series by Richard C. Schneider, experts and scientists, as well as those affected, attempt to explain the intentional or unintentional mechanisms of anti-Jewish hostility on the basis of historical, social and ideological developments.
Heavy Lift 2021
The story of the engineers and mechanics behind some of the largest lifting and moving equipment in the world.
Life from Space 2021    star_border 9
In this two-part series, we take a look at the monumental discoveries underway, specifically surrounding black holes and meteorites. Black holes have been revealed as one of the foundations for the basic conditions of life. Through black holes, life is possible in an infinite number of places in space. We also follow how meteorites brought the basic substances of life to our planet, allowing for its creation. The films describe the latest findings concerning cosmic events in relation to the origin of life, providing a grandiose perspective of what makes life possible.
The Animal Within 2020
We examine how animals have evolved over the course of time and analyze how we can benefit from their evolution.
Amazing Dinoworld 2019    star_border 7
New discoveries of dinosaur fossils are completely changing what we know about the animals that lived on our planet millions of years ago.
Colosseum: The Whole Story 2015
The whole story of the world’s most famous monument is told for the first time, from its ancient beginnings to the groundbreaking renovation underway amid a storm of controversy.