Maluta Films
Negu hurbilak 2024
In 2011, the prolonged armed conflict in the Basque Country appears to come to an end. A young woman runs away wanting to cross the border. She arrives in Zubieta, a border village where ancient myths and modern conflicts seem to converge.
Ainarak 2022
Apaiz kartzela 2021
A real voyage in an apparently unreal situation. Four priests incarcerated in Zamora's prison for priests (1968-1976) return to visit the jail where they were condemned, in some cases, to sentences of more than ten years for having given sermons in which they denounced the repression under Franco.
Haizearen egia 2020
Tahar is a 20-year-old Sahrawi man who lives in the Basque Country. However, his family continues to live in the Tindouf refugee camp. One day, he receives a call from there: his father is dying.
Zutik 2019
It shows the circumstances that shaped the thinking of the journalist and writer Rikardo Arregi, who died in a car accident at the age of 26.
The Painter 2018
This is the tale of a voyage which began one morning with a Skype conversation between the musician Mikel Urdangarin and the artist Alain Urrutia. The painter will give Mikel one of his paintings as a gift, but on one condition: the musician will have to go and fetch it in London, by ferry, crossing the sea. Taking the journey as an excuse, we will enter the everyday life of an artist committed to living from his work until reaching the key hidden in the centre of every artist’s labyrinth, since all searches are in fact a voyage; the creation process in itself is a voyage.