Wawayu Animation
Xyrin Empire 2023    star_border 1
Chen Jun, an aimless wannabe otaku, suddenly became the Emperor of a multiverse-spanning kingdom. The Empress Sandora, the Empire's 1.2-meter-tall female general Pandora, and the Supernatural Bureau's Big Sis Lin Xue have all said they're not up to the task. Even Chen Jun's childhood sweetheart, the energetic Xu Qianqian, also said he must become the Emperor. Chen Jun did not have a choice and started his busy life by saving the world from Monday to Friday and playing games during the weekends.
Busted! Darklord. 2022    star_border 7
Legend Of Sho 2021
During the An Lushan Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty, monsters are everywhere and the people were destitute in the Central Plains. Li Haobai started from the Bashu and wanted to go to the front line to make a meritorious deed. On the way he was swallowed by the monster. By coincidence, Li Haobai and the guardian of the dragon’s veins merged with each other to obtain the power of the black dragon. And he has since been involved in the struggle of various forces. (Source:
Cinderella Chef 2018    star_border 6.2
Ye Jiayao finds herself back in time in the body of Ye Jinxuan. After many twists, she thought that she would finally be able to lead a simple life and achieve her dream of opening the best restaurant in Huai Song. However, there are villains constantly trying to bring her down.
The Unparalleled Black & White 2015    star_border 7
A story about two young demons who are always slacking off at work, a place that happens to be an organization that vows to keep the balance between the worlds of the living and dead by killing humans!
Mee's Forest Release date not available    star_border 5
Mee’s Forest is a fantasy thriller series set in ancient China. A young boy, Xiaomi, winds up in an outstandingly dangerous forest. He’s alone — his monk master has vanished. To make matters worse, Xiaomi contracts a lethal parasite that swims under his skin. The clock is ticking: without a cure, he’ll die.