The Documentary and Experimental Film Center (DEFC)
Son of Man 2022
In Iran, gender-affirming surgery is legal, though it carries with it great stigma, and is usually performed so that a gay couple may lead a heteronormal life. In this one-of-a-kind film, shot in secret in Iran, a father and husband finds his fragile world endangered when a man from his past appears claiming to be his daughter's true father. He never knew his wife was pregnant when she sought a divorce, and now she's nowhere to be seen.
Winter Memories 2021
An old lady who has a memory problem cyclically remember memories of a time when she tried to make a shawl for her father who went to war and never returned.
Up to the Sea, She Weaves a Dream 2021
In any war, there is always a soldier who has lost and the women who are waiting for him to return. The dreams these women weave carry them to the farthest seas. Knowing there is no return, they weave and weave to treat the wounds of war.
Haboob 2021
A man and his daughter are used to living in harmony and peace with nature, but some disruptions change their lovely little life.
Migrants 2021    star_border 7
Fifteen migrants begin their journeys. This is what migration is. You leave your place of birth, but you are, as if, still there. You go somewhere else, and you feel yourself physically somewhere else but have left behind your authentic self.
Sky Sun, Tile Sun 2021
Due to the intensity of the explosion and bombardment, the role of the sun breaks on the tiled wall and it gets dark everywhere. People build a new sun together.
The Fourth Wall 2021
Home and family, relationships, desires, wishes and everything are summarized in a kitchen. The stuttering boy is alone there, playing with his imagination.
Family Relations 2019
An excellent study of authoritarianism. It has two equally important qualities: one is a deep respect for the victims and their suffering; the other is the courage to face the autocrat and give him every possibility to present and defend himself. That the dictator demonstrates no need for defense and is thus denying any guilt and responsibility is probably the key feature of authoritarianism. The brilliance by which the filmmaker makes this gradually visible is breathtaking.
Kupritu 2017
A look at the forgotten name of the match and its events in Iran
The Last Hero 2017
A review of the artistic and personal life of Masoud Kimiai and the analysis of five decades of filmmaking.
The Prime Minister 2016
Political and Social Activities of Ahmad Qavam al-Saltanah, reflecting on his fourth term as Minister.
The Fried Fish 2014
The fish is yearning to see the sea once again. He asks a cat, a mouse, a dog and a crow for help, one after another. They each eat a part of his flesh and carry him some distance down the path to the sea. But after a while, one by one, they put him down and leave. At the end, some ants throw the fish's skeleton into the sea. The fish happily swims away in the deep blue sea.
Rooznameh 2002
Goft-o-Go Dar Meh 2001
Azar is responsible for rural health at Qazvin and addresses various people’s problems. But Haj Kamal is a big obstacle in his way and does not allow things to go right. Haj Kamal is the head of the council and the big village, but because of Azar’s membership, he is not ready to convene a meeting. He believes that this is the work of men.