Hyæne Film
Eternal 2024    star_border 7
Young climate change scientist, Elias falls in love with an aspiring singer, Anita. But when an opportunity arises for him to join a mission researching a dangerous climate change phenomenon – a mysterious fracture on the ocean floor – he chooses career over love. Years later, during his mission, he experiences a vision of what his life could have been like if he made a different choice and his new obsession becomes to get his old life and love back.
Boundless 2024    star_border 5.8
In a moment of cowardice, Detective Carl Mørck sends Rose, his junior colleague in Department Q, to the remote Danish island of Bornholm to answer his old colleague Christian Habersaat's repeated requests. But during his forced retirement ceremony Christian kills himself sending Rose into a journey deep into her own traumatic past. Later, Department Q are embroiled into an old cold case of a girl found dead hanging in a tree.
Homecoming 2023
Jenny returns to her house in order to decide whether it should be sold. As she moves through the house, memories and traumas of the past begin manifesting themselves and deeply affect her as her past life begins materializing.
Viktor vs The World 2023    star_border 5.7
Chrysanthemum 2022    star_border 5.8
After many years of separation, landscaper and part time dealer of illegal fireworks – Anders – is contacted by his father Thomas who is about to lose the family farm. To help his father, Anders returns home and starts a larger production of illegal fireworks and begins shipping it through the family's freight company. Through the traffic of fireworks, the family finds a way towards reconciliation and forgiveness for the first time since the family tragedy twenty years ago which Anders feels responsible for.
In the Blink of an Eye 2021    star_border 10
Recently discharged from a psychiatric hospital, Johanne is excited about seeing her daughter Lily. Eager to prove that she is fit to be a mother again, she takes Lily to the Tivoli amusement park. Amidst the noise and flashing lights, Johanne struggles to stay in control of herself and finally breaks down. Realizing how this affects Lily, she makes the toughest decision of her life and lets go of her daughter.
Persona Non Grata 2021    star_border 6.6
The film is a comedy drama about a young woman, Laura, who has distanced herself from her family in the country to settle in Copenhagen as an author and live the artistic bohemian life she has always dreamed of. When she, with much reluctance, goes back home for her brother’s wedding, she realises that he is about to marry her childhood enemy, Catrine. At the same time, Laura finds out that Catrine has in fact taken over her place in the family – and what if Laura wants it back … A film about how we, no matter how hard we try, cannot escape from our past, nor from our roots.
Kaboos 2020
Amna is plagued by sleep paralysis and has difficulty concentrating. She lives with her family, who are orthodox Muslims, but are themselves in doubt about their faith. She takes off her veil when she is at the University of Odense, while she and her mother in the mosque follow the family's religious traditions.
Blokhavn 2020    star_border 5
Partisan 2019
Soufian is the former Thai boxing world champion and he still enjoys some respect on the street. But ever since his father died, he has been unable to motivate himself. Now he works at a welder’s workshop and makes sure his mom and little brother Elias are fed and clothed. Times are changing and there is new blood on the street. And Soufian can’t rest on past glories.
Missing 2019
Steen is a clairvoyant psychic who has dedicated his life to his work. He has helped many families finding their missing loved ones, but he is estranged from his own adult son. His grandson’s birthday is coming up, a last possibility of reconciliation. Nothing must go wrong. But on his way there, he is approached by a desperate woman whose son has gone missing. She seeks out Steen as her last resort.
Draget 2019
Quiet man Thomas is a cattle farmer who leads an unchanging existence in rural Jutland. Polish seasonal workers are his only company. It may look like a lonely life, and it might be a lonely life. But there is much to do at the farm, enough to forget the calls that go unanswered and the reasons there might be for the silence.
Sons of Denmark 2019    star_border 6
Denmark, in the near future. One year after a major bomb attack in Copenhagen, political radicalization has intensified and ethnic tensions are increasing. As next year's parliamentary elections approach, in which nationalist leader Martin Nordahl hopes for a landslide victory, Zakaria becomes involved in a radical organization, where he befriends Ali.
Maja 2018    star_border 7
Recently emigrated and with few local words, Maja feels disconnected from her classmates. But the strangeness of new surroundings soon become familiar when she finds a diversion.
Det ottende sakramente Release date not available