Space Neko Company
On Air Dekinai! 2022    star_border 8
Set in 2014, the anime follows the adventures of 23 years old Mafuneko, a newly minted assistant director who joins the TV production department at Tokyo Hajikko Television, only to discover that the glamorous and glitzy life of working behind-the-scenes making TV shows involves strange and inexplicable tasks such as "gathering 300 acorns" and "making a mosaic out of the images reflected in the camera lens." Despite being surrounded by chaos, set-backs, and weirdos, Mafuneko struggles to become a fully-fledged TV producer.
I, Tsushima 2021    star_border 6.6
The story centers on a woman who is getting on in years, but all her cats think she's a man so they call her Ojiichan. One day a brazen cat named Tsushima appears in Ojiichan's yard.
Gal & Dino 2020    star_border 6.8
One day, Kaede, a gyaru, picks up a dinosaur and begins living with it. The short comedy depicts their daily lives together as the dinosaur consumes human food, watches TV, and enjoys fashionable things. Thus begins the story of a gal and a dinosaur cohabiting that transcends time.
Pop Team Epic 2018    star_border 7
Crude, rude, and a little…cute? Get ready for the larger-than-life attitude of Popuko and Pipimi, the small and tall stars of Pop Team Epic! Based off the bizarre four-panel webcomic by Bukubu Okawa comes a comedy that’ll throw you off with its out-there jokes and intense absurdity. You think you’re ready for these girls? Think again, F#%**er!