Taladro Films
Chuquiragua 2016
Agustín escaped to the moor to finish his thesis, he spends his days writing, feeding himself and giving small walks through a place covered by scrubland, steep cliffs and abyss that remain hidden behind an almost permanent fog. Everything changes when Lucía and her boyfriend Santiago arrive and set up their tent next to Augustín’s. What began as a few quiet days in the countryside gradually become a silent nightmare.
El Panóptico Ciego 2015    star_border 4
The documentary chronicles the 139 years of the ex penitentiary García Moreno in Quito, Ecuador, and traces left by the inmates to be transferred to the new prison in the province of Cotopaxi.
Tinta Sangre 2013
A black comedy that portraits a chain of six romances united by chance. In Tinta Sangre the protagonists are the city of Quito, its characters and its inner world. Loves and heartbreak are the thread of this film, and the constant question that all of them ask is why we call it love when we mean addiction.
Resonancia 2013
Raul Lara, an Ecuadorian luthier, works around seven months in the construction of each instrument. Sometimes staying for four consecutive months inside his workshop, place in which time and space are surreal. The guitar becomes alive and receives its soul in here.
Impulse 2009
Jessica is a rebellious 17-year-old living with her aunt and grandmother in Quito. Her absent mother has stopped sending money, causing rifts within the family. When she decides to search for the father she's never met, she ends up in the country home of her father's brother and his wife, where the mirrors are always covered and the air is thick with fog and mystery.