Escuela Veracruzana de Cine Luis Buñuel
Old Well new_releases Release: 10-18-2024
Susana, a 10-year-old girl, lives with her father in a cabin located in the mountains of Veracruz, in the middle of a threatening tranquility. When Susanna finds and falls into an old well, she will discover a dark and heartbreaking secret about her family. She will no longer be the same.
Robo Comercial 2023
Two friends decide to steal a shopping cart.
Terpsícore 2023    star_border 2
Ballet is a difficult task, Eva discovers it at the moment when a superior ballerina puts her to the test.
Pacto de Amigos 2023
In the city of Xalapa, twenty-year-old Pedro helps Julio (his best friend), get Paulina ( his other best friend) drunk, so he can later rape her in her sleep. After witnessing the act, he regrets it and confronts Julio. Who asks him to keep it to himself, because it would end the already shaky friendship between the three; Despite this, Pedro confesses to Paulina knowing that it will be the last time they speak.
Lazos 2023
Emilio strikes up a conversation with Jennifer in which he tells her about his afflictions about his life and his family, and then finds himself with a pleasant surprise for him, but with sadness for her.
El paquete 2023    star_border 2
An unknown box arrives at the apartment of Santiago and Mateo, that will reveal dark secrets.
Wild House 2021
Laura, 16, is held hostage by her father who believes she is possessed because she is pregnant.
Gratification 2020
Alfonso is a man who lives immersed in his work and in his own distractions. On the day of his son's birthday he decides to buy him a gift, however, a series of complications will make him understand the true meaning of affection.
Acapulco Heart 2018
Ariel, a young mexican student, starts to have feelings for his best friend Roman.
Saved From The Waters 2018
A biographical documentary about Moisés Avendaño, artist, athlete, sportsman, adventurer, and doctor from Veracruz, Mexico. Seen from his golden years, until his imminent encounter with Parkinson's disease, in the present.
Pandora 2018
Living hidden in a house among a forest, the day of her birthday, Sandra unhappily married, meets Pandora.
Ceremonia 2017
Doppelgänger, Inc. 2017
Edgar Wilson is a lonely clerk with a monotonous life. One night an advertising spot offers him to change his life but he rejects it. What he does not know is that he has been selected to be replaced by an unknown being.
The Pool 2016
One summer morning, a man decides to go swimming in a pool to clear his mind. The pool is a space that gives him a chance to think and tranquilize , but every time he dipped underwater a mystical voice appears and confronts his deepest thoughts .
Binary 2015
Binary is a documentary composed of two stages: the nature and the city. It is a journey that represents the paradox of communication.
The Night Is Young 2014
A sleepwalker wakes up with a strange feeling (something he did the night before), but doesn't remember. The next night, he stands up again and faces reality, even while he 's unconscious.
Fun 2014    star_border 5.5
Two friends are trapped in a house were a couple of murders are waiting.
Mi Reflejo Release date not available    star_border 5
A 17-year-old teenager maintains a troubled relationship with her mother due to the pressure she generates on her to lose weight, and expresses her feelings through painting.
El Contrato Release date not available
Garcilazo is a man who is on the verge of selling his soul to the Devil, however, he is not sure about taking the next step.
Yo Creo En El Ruido Release date not available    star_border 10