Clúster Audiovisual Aguascalientes México (CAAMX)
Gatos palacio 2021
Sudden 2020
Ana's father passes away and she is not welcome at the funeral.
Panic in the Radio 2020
Amparo, an obsessive woman who suffers from different phobias, is at the edge of madness when she listens on the radio the arrival of a tiny hairy mosquito in the city.
Goods are to remedy ills 2020
One of the many stories that have been lived in this stage of quarantine and its consequences.
The Transference 2019
Ivan, a 15-year-old teenager, who works with his delivery bike pizza, he made a delivery to the bank surveillance booth, at which point You will witness an assault and the murder of the Policeman to whom you made the request. The Recordings from security cameras will be reviewed to find presumed guilty, but as there are so many surveillance cameras the search it will be a canon that goes over crime infinitely.
D/V 2019    star_border 6
Gilberto must solve the great problem of traffic lights on a new avenue. Faced with the great workload, his wife Astrid claims the little time he spends with her and her son little Uriel. Gilberto is engulfed in a work cloister, to deduce that the answer is simple: distance over speed equals time. In the end he discovers that in his mission he has left spend three years realizing that looking for a time-saving formula he lost same.
We are visits 2019
Santiago meets Paulina at a party. Love is a cycle and both will fall into it a second, third, or perhaps fifth time. Their relationship could last forever or, more likely, they will only become one more visit in each other's lives.
We need a break 2019
Eder is a University professor who in the midst of an age crisis sees the opportunity to seduce one of his students; she changes her look to a ridiculously youthful style, and abandons to your wife. His university lover ends it, so, heartbroken, he visits an old witch specialist in moorings, who ends up drugging him to sexually abuse him. Finding himself in extreme ridicule, he accepts his situation and the consequences of his decisions.
The office man 2019
A man condemned to live in routine and who has the desire to escape from, he wins a vacation that he doesn't know how to take advantage of.
Uruguay - Paraguay 2018
7:42 2018
An elderly man has lost his memory and this has been completely difficult for his family. The short film calls for reflection and empathy with people suffering from Alzheimer's.
Ni en la más oscura de mis tardes Release date not available
Lidia must face the allegations and consequences unleashed by the accusations of sexual abuse committed by her father long ago when he held an important position in the politics of the country.
Hueso de Corvina Release date not available