Gabriel Productions Ltd
Leros - The Τransformation 1995
“Now I am happy, I am very well... I am cooking.” Six years after Jane Gabriel made the documentary “Island Οf Outcasts” revealing the inhuman conditions in the adult asylum on Leros, she returned to meet some of the men who had been kept naked in block 16 for decades, and women who had lived in filthy conditions. Now living freely with support in the community they talk about their new lives. This film records how Leros was transformed for both the ex-inmates and the staff - from being an island of incarceration and misery, into an island of liberty.
The Children Of Leros 1992
“This is their chance to have a life.” In 1992, 165 children were living in inhuman conditions in Leros. Those who had arrived as babies had never learned to walk, to dress, or to feed themselves. This documentary follows the young Greek medics who moved in to reform the asylum. They were astonished at the determination of the children, some of who had been chained to their beds for years, to improve their lives. A model ward was set up, and children were unchained. Within months some, like Andreas, were able to play games outside for the first time in their lives.
One Every Mile! 1988
“Fear enters the management style.” Banned by McDonalds, this Channel 4 film has never been shown before. After working in McDonalds, Jane Gabriel was given full access to film the McDonalds outlet which held the world record for the amount of money taken in one hour, and to Hamburger University in London. This observational documentary reveals why McDonald employees run, and how the shouting and the “warm fuzzies” and “cold pricklies” affect the employees. They describe what it’s like inside McDonalds as it plans to open a new McDonalds in the UK every mile for the next 25 years.