Tambo Film
A Place in the Sun 2024    star_border 6.5
At the south tip of Gran Canaria, the sun is always shining. Resorts warmly captures the easy and complicated lives of 6 tourists that never left their holiday. A visual tour of the pastel-coloured holiday destination of Gran Canaria, a haven for millions of tourists – and for people fleeing more than just rain and cold. The paradoxes of tourism meet the harsh realities of those who live in paradise all year round.
Brief History of a Family 2024    star_border 7
A middle-class family's fate becomes intertwined with their only son's enigmatic new friend in post one-child policy China, putting unspoken secrets, unmet expectations, and untended emotions under the microscope.
Silent Sun of Russia 2023
Alyona, Alika and Katya dream of love and friendship, but most of all of leaving Putin’s Russia. When the war against Ukraine breaks out, it becomes harder for the three young women to leave the vast country in the East, but also even more unbearable to stay. So one has left for Georgia, another for Spain, while the third stays behind in Russia. Their generation does not believe that political engagement changes anything. Instead, they show their resistance by living a modern and more Western life, where gender, sexuality, pop music and identity issues are vital. Set at night in cars, apartments and backyards, Sybilla Tuxen’s dark and artistically uncompromising debut film tells the story of a rebellious yet resigned section of Russian youth on the fringes of established society.
Territory 2022
16-year-old, Blanka, is both curious and disturbed when her two new step brothers move in. One afternoon she goes all in to provoke a reaction and to mark her territory.
The Penultimate 2021    star_border 5.5
The film is a Kafkaesque tale of an insignificant Water Inspector who arrives at a giant remote building in order to register the residents’ water meters. Before he knows of it, he finds himself trapped inside the building facing an “Alice in NO-Wonderland”-like maze of obstacles. In his attempt to escape, perception of reality, the rational, and the remnants of his human existence is turned upside down.
Lost Cities: The Great Flood 2021    star_border 3
Albert Lin is on a global adventure, from icy Black Sea depths to the heights of the Peruvian Andes, searching for the origins of Great Flood stories.