Hoferichter & Jacobs
Baldiga: Unlocked Heart new_releases Release: 01-23-2025
Using diary excerpts, photographs and memories from companions, the film paints the portrait of the artist Jürgen Baldiga who sensitively and authentically captured the West Berlin queer scene of the 1980s and early 1990s with his camera.
Putin, NATO, and Europe 2024    star_border 8
A look at the past, present and future of NATO, which has shaped Europe's security and defense policies since 1949.
Wir waren in der AfD - Aussteiger berichten 2024    star_border 4.5
The AfD, founded in 2013, is a right-wing party that has become increasingly radicalized in recent years. To illustrate this, only those who enthusiastically joined the party in its early years are heard. They describe what they looked for and found in the party, but also how and why they left, disillusioned and frightened by the AfD's developments. How did they experience the party's radicalization process? How did friends and family react? When and why did they decide to turn their back on the party? How difficult was the exit process? The documentary provides an illuminating inside view of this party, which has been driving the established parties and the political establishment ahead of it for over ten years, gives viewers a unique look into the AfD's chronicle and world of thought and is at the same time a film about the mechanisms of political radicalization.
Europe since Maastricht - A Journey through the Continent 2023
How has the life of European Union citizens changed since the Maastricht Treaty came into force thirty years ago, on 1 November 1993? Documentary filmmaker, David Holland, born the same year as Maastricht travels the length and breadth of the continent by rail to find out.
Harry Belafonte: Between Calypso and Justice 2022    star_border 8.2
Harry Belafonte wrote music history. How did the black boy from Harlem manage to become one of the greatest artists of the 20th century in the middle of racist America? The film portrait tells the story of the famous singer, actor, producer and activist.
Adam & Ida - Almost a Fairytale 2022    star_border 6
For the first time in their lives, Polish-Jewish twins Adam and Ida Paluch tell their incredible story of being separated at the age of three and surviving the Holocaust, growing up knowing almost nothing about each other and their family roots.
Legacy of a Superpower: 30 Years After the Collapse of the USSR 2021
Thirty years ago, in 1991, the Soviet Union, founded in 1922, disappeared, giving birth to fifteen new states, located between the Baltic Sea and the Pamir mountain range, which went their own way. How many of these republics have succeeded? How much real influence does Moscow exert over them? What role do NATO and the European Union play in this very complicated economic and political maze?
Stadt/Land: Der große Graben 2021
Wir Ostdeutsche - 30 Jahre im vereinten Land 2020
Zielitz - Der Kampf ums Weiße Gold 2020    star_border 10
Wie klingt der Urknall – Botschaften vom Anfang des Universums 2019    star_border 7.3
Wer beherrscht Deutschland? - Was den Osten anders macht. 2019
Flexible Buildings: The Future of Architecture 2019
Never before have there been so many people on Earth. The new world creates new challenges for us living together, one of the biggest being the infrastructure in the world we live in.
The Auctioneers: Profiting from the Holocaust 2018
From 1938-1939, the systematic anti-Semitism of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis led to violence and despotism towards Jewish citizens, along with the exploitation of Jewish property. Tax inspectors, bailiffs, pawnbrokers, and auctioneers were among the major profiteers of the Holocaust. This documentary goes on a hunt for relics of the past and those who've profited most from the injustices of WWII.
Bischofferode. Das Treuhand Trauma 2018    star_border 10
In 1990, when Bischofferode entered the market economy, potash production in East Germany was in third place in the world's export ranking and in West Germany in fourth place. Bischofferöder Kalisalz is of a special quality and the plant therefore had loyal customers in Western Europe, especially in Scandinavia, even before the fall of the Wall. In the West, there is a major competitor - BASF subsidiary Kali und Salz AG from Kassel. The film reconstructs the mega-deal in one of the world's most important raw materials markets. The so-called potash merger was the biggest economic deal of German reunification, which has cost the taxpayer almost two billion euros to date. The Free State of Thuringia - the federal state with the best potash deposits in Germany - is still the big loser of the mega-deal today. Thuringia may be rich, but it loses almost all its potash mines, along with Bischofferode, and now has to spend millions of euros each year to rehabilitate and secure its mines.
We Were Kings 2017    star_border 6
We Were Kings is a documentary about the legendary German grunge band Union Youth. 15 years ago they made it from the province to L.A., and then failed in the most brutal way. Now attempting a comeback as the band "Pictures" with some new members, they face their demons in order to make music once again. A gripping musical drama about drug addiction, responsibility and the power of friendship.
Wilde Miezen - Katzen allein unterwegs 2017    star_border 7.8
Black Holes: Messages from the Edge of the Universe 2017    star_border 5
It is the birth of neutrino astronomy. For the first time, astrophysicists can detect extra-terrestrial neutrinos in ice on the South Pole. The fundamental questions of science remain unanswered., how did the universe come to be? What keeps our world together? The newly discovered extra-galactic neutrinos may hold the keys to answering these questions.
Wem gehört der Osten - Die großen Deals der Einheit 2017
Java in Jeopardy - Exploring the Volcano 2015    star_border 8.5
Scientists regard it as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Time and again, Merapi, the Fire Mountain of Java in Indonesia, has proved its deadly potential. The risk of another serious eruption is high and could even have global consequences. Now scientists are looking at a mysterious tectonic disturbance: a crack that has suddenly wound its way through the center of the volcano.
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