North-Osetiya TV
Deserter 1989
During the battle with the Nazis, Lieutenant Soslan was shell-shocked and captured. A funeral comes home. But he escaped from captivity and is hiding in the attic of his home.
Kosta Khetagurov. Testament 1989
Follows the life of Kostya Khetagurov, an Ossetian poet, playwright and painter.
When the Echoes Will 1989
In the fall of 1945, former front-line soldier Umar Badalov makes his way into a deserted village. He honestly fulfilled his military duty, now he has been commissioned and here he is in his village. Autumn dying nature and a devastated village, painted with tragedy, in which he did not meet a soul, except for one dead dog.
And the Traveler Looked Back... 1985
Zaur is a famous and popular playwright. While working on his new play, which is given to him painfully, he realizes that a turning point has come in his life.
The Search Continues 1983
Follows the search and use of solar, wind and geothermal energy in the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Steepness 1983
Follows the young collective farm chairman Kazbek, a supporter of the revival of mountain farming.
Exuberant Terek 1981
Follows the fate of Colonel Dzandar's two sons, one joined the Bolsheviks, the other joined the counter-revolutionaries.
Sadonian Horizons 1980
In November 1979, the tunneling team of Viktor Andreevich Vakhnin set a new record, deepening the adit by 451 linear meters in 31 calendar days. The brigade dedicated its labor victory to the opening session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in Moscow.
Sulak Cascade 1980
Follows the complex of hydraulic power plants in North Osetiya.
Save the Tower 1979
In a high-mountain Ossetian village where archaeological excavations were being carried out, a local schoolboy, Murat, worked part-time. Zaur, Murat's cousin, who was visiting them for the summer holidays, accidentally finds an ancient jug with gold coins at the excavation site and hides it from everyone. In the fall, Murat moved to the city, where he entered college to learn the profession of a mason. Once he stood up for the honor of Lena, a student of the same school...
Mountain Novella 1979
About the life of a high-mountain village in Checheno-Ingushetia. The heroine of the film is a young teacher Svetlana Smirnova, who came to work at a local school.
Family Drama 1977
The man, after a lot of jokes on his side, accuses his wife of giving birth to only girls, but she tells him that the heirs deserve fathers like real men, and leaves, taking daughters with her. Her husband's friends are trying to reconcile them, but the proud mountain woman does not intend to return home.
Bonfires on the Towers 1968
Two poor people, Ossetian and Ingush, are fighting each other over a meter of land in the mountains. A revolution begins, and their younger brothers become brother-friends.
Kost Returns 1967
...The poet returns from exile to his native village of Nar. No matter how or where he returned, the poor mountaineers shared everything with him: bread, cloak, horse. But the sincere joy of meeting your homeland is short-lived. Naro became even poorer than before. The “Aldars” - the princes who carried out justice and reprisals in the villages - are even more rampant.