Zinātņu akadēmijas Tautas kinostudija
Mission in Kabul 1988
A man with a homemade pistol practises aiming, then shoots and falls. A man puts a gun to his forehead, a board is tied over his head. Written: 'Beigas', 'Alles', 'Kонец'.
Saga 1986
The documentary "Saga. A working copy of the film "Saga". A film without sound with a separate magnetic phonogram.
Ķekatas in Nīcā 1984
The film tells the story of the inhabitants of Nīca and their preserved folk traditions.
The 1st Year UFOp 1983
An experimental film where imagination, creativity, freedom are intertwined. Young people paint in the courtyard of a Riga apartment building. A young man closes his eyes and imagines himself flying over meadows, forests and rivers.
To Fall Asleep in a Waking Dream 1982
A film about a misunderstood artist and his struggle with mental health issues.
Dream time 1982
A film about the shamanic traditions of the peoples of Siberia.
Twilight’s Play with a Mirror 1972
A bright avant-garde message of amateur cinema about society, the individual, the search for oneself and one's time.
The Seconds of Your Life are Passing By 1971
The film is based on the idea that each person is the forger of his or her own happiness. The film starts with the subtitle: "If a man is destined to live 75 years, he has 2.4 billion seconds to live". The film shows young people on the beach, at café tables, on a carousel, listening to the radio, dancing hippie-style. A sculptor working with clay and stone is shown alongside young people's lives.
Aplis pierādījumā 1971
An experimental documentary on environmental issues, based on chronicles. Reproductions of Salvador Dali's paintings, footage from Pumping Iron (1977) with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film shows the process of salmon spawning and the brutal human intervention to extract the eggs. The film features a recording of a concert by Polish musician Czeslaw Niemen. Awarded at UNICA and other film festivals.