Action On The Side
Coming Clean 2024
A recluse with a violent secret must stand up to his gangster boss to save his friend, an ex-junkie who is trying to get him clean. A crime horror film about human connection, addiction and dependency.
A Winter Barbecue 2020
A father must cook a feast for his family on the most important day of their lives. A heartwarming and bleak film about family.
Redempratol 2019
REDEMPRATOL is a new drug that helps people to forgive. Queues formed on the day of its release, but the Pharmaceutical Pioneer behind it struggles to take her own medicine.
Stalkers 2019
A dark romantic comedy about two celebrity stalkers facing difficulties in their relationship.
Hunting Rabbits 2018
An abusive farmer and his manipulative teenage daughter converse at the end of a long day, where one will be pushed over the edge.
Kill Jill 2018
After forgetting his money on an expensive date, a desperate man decides the only option is to kill his date.
Down Below 2017
Refugees in a post-apocalyptic future, two sisters must make the ultimate decision: one or both will die.
Exposure 2017
A photographer tests the boundaries of art by taking photos of strangers unawares. He follows a drug user to find the ultimate subject.
The Darkness Without 2016
The back garden of an insomniac night worker's house is mysteriously in darkness during the blaring sun of summer. The exhausted woman is drawn to the peaceful night of this mystery.
Tinder Will Understand 2016
Based on a true story, Tinder Will Understand tells the humorous story of a romance blooming from an illicit encounter and a medical mishap. An anonymous one-night-stand goes horribly wrong.
Drunk Dialling 2015
Film buff Lucy causes chaos in Max's life when she drunkenly phones the wrong number. After a heated conversation and garnering support from their friends, the two enemies find themselves on a blind date.
Arms Trade 2015
After a night of partying, best friends Troy and Sean wake to find they have swapped an arm.
Cut-Out 2014
A man is haunted by a psychopathic missing person's leaflet.