G. Méliès
The Poisoned Darts 1913
The Outlaw and the Baby 1912
Joe Fuller, the outlaw and bandit, draws rein at a humble cottage and begs refreshment. The traditional hospitality of the west is at once shown him by Jane White, who is alone in the house at the time, with her baby daughter. The bandit is given food and drink, while he is eating which, the baby takes a child-like fancy to him.
A Western Girl 1911
Dick, an easterner, comes west to try his luck at mining. No sooner does he arrive than Hartley, the local gambler and all-around villain, commences to make sport at his expense. Dick endeavors to bear it patiently, but a clash is inevitable, until the arrival at the village store of Mary Brown, one whom all held in respect, excepting Hartley.
In the Right of Way 1911
John Burton, a railroad clerk from the east, was spending his vacation hunting in the wild lands about John Walsh's shack. One morning, as he was eagerly following a large hawk, which he had already wounded, he lost his balance on the edge of a cliff and plunged down to the stony ground below. His cries for help attracted Walsh's attention and he was taken to the latter's cabin, where he was tenderly cared for by Walsh and his wife, until he was able to return to his duties in the east. Walsh's wife was the apple of his eye, but, like most things that we love, she did not last, and twenty years later we find him a broken old man, living in the days that are gone.
Honor of the Flag 1911
Mary lived with her mother at the XX ranch, which was on the Rio Grande, just across from Mexico, and, as there was a ford there, it was easy for persons to cross from either side. One day, while riding on the Mexican side, she heard screams of distress and came upon Juanita, a beautiful Mexican girl, who had been insulted by Jose, a bad man of that vicinity, who commanded a band of guerrillas, who plundered and stole under the guise of insurrectos.
The Kiss of Mary Jane 1911
Mary Jane had nursed Black Bill's wife through a spell of fever and Bill was grateful with all the fullness of his rough nature. He sent Mary Jane a necklace and a note in which he promised on his honor to someday discharge his debt. It happened later, that one of Bill's horses was stolen. Bill and his friends found the thief, and were bringing him into town to a handy tree, when they passed Mary Jane, drawing water from the old well. Bill had a drink and Mary, in pity, raised the cup to the lips of Bob Ford, the horse thief, whom she had never seen before.
Her Spoiled Boy 1911
Robert Burton was an only son and his indulgent mother had spoiled him. Bob was not all bad, but he was woefully weak and could not stick long at any one task. Also he paid more attention to rolling cigarettes than he did to his work. One day he was discharged by the foreman of the crockery store where he worked and appeared at home disgusted and sullen. His mother tried to comfort him, but the boy was anxious to have his way and announced his intention of going west, where he thought there would be better opportunities for him.
The Immortal Alamo 1911
A lost silent film depicting the battle of the Alamo. Filmed in San Antonio.
The Redemption of Rawhide 1911
Rawhide, Arizona, was certainly some tough town when Reverend Simpson first blew in from civilization and started his campaign of redemption. From Alkali Ike to Shorty Smith, not a man of them had seen the inside of a church in fourteen years; there has never been a sermon preached in the county, and the only hymns that had ever been heard were those of the coyotes. The Rev. Simpson soon set up the "Rawhide Mission," but in spite of the hot weather, the result was a heavy frost. Nobody came even as far as the door, except Black Mike, who was drunk and who thought he was at the XXX saloon. The worthy pastor pleaded, prayed and billed the town without result.
The Spring Round-Up 1911
It was April weather on Lloyd's ranch, but all was not sunshine. The mortgage was due, and while there were enough cattle to sell to pay it, they were woefully short of men to handle them. Finally Lloyd decided to entrust the job to his son, Hal, and detailed El Paso Pete, one of his trusted men, to accompany the boy to Waco. The cattle were rounded up and shipped. Hal sold them to advantage and collected the money and was on his way to settle the mortgage, when he ran into an adventure. Jim Dempsey, a rough gambler, was having an altercation with his daughter, Rose. A Texan will ever respond to the call of beauty in distress and, regardless of the relationship, Hal interfered and followed them to see it safely through. He was led to a dance hall and was surprised and somewhat disappointed to see that Rose was a dancer there, but discovered that her father forced her to thus earn her living.
Mary's Stratagem 1911
Desdemona was not the only woman to have trouble over a handkerchief. It occurred to Mary also. Mary was in love with Bill, who worked on her father's ranch, and was greatly admired by all the boys. Shorty returned from town one day with a fine checkered handkerchief, which he proudly placed about his neck, strutting in front of Bill to attract his notice. The handkerchief was almost loud enough to speak for itself, so Bill noticed it all right. One of the boys sneaked it from about Shorty's neck and hung it on a nail, where Mary found it. Seeing that it was new, she placed it about her own comely neck, but alas, Othello Bill became jealous and accused her of accepting it from Shorty.
The Reformation of Jack Robins 1911
Jack Robbins is a gentleman bandit. For months he has been hunted in vain by Bob Ford, the sheriff. Mary Gray, a young lady physician, comes west; Robbins befriends her and, not knowing him to be a bandit, she admires him. One day the sheriff gets close enough to Robbins to seriously wound him and he is in desperate straits. By accident Dr. Gray finds him and he becomes her patient.
An Unwilling Cowboy 1911
Nellie and her father are from Boston, but every winter they visit San Antonio for the old man's rheumatism. Nellie is very fond of ranch life and it is her custom to spend part of the time at the Bar X, which is close by, while her father is undergoing all the delights of being "Boiled out" in the sulfur baths. Nellie meets all "the boys" and is particularly impressed with Jim Edwards, who constitutes himself her guide at the ranch. One day a horse runs away with her, and Jim neatly ropes it and thereby saves her life and wins her love.
Jack Mason's Last Deal 1911
Old Watson the prospector is the proud owner of a mine and a daughter, Ruth, but when Jack Mason, the gambler, comes to town and opens a faro game, Old Watson loses all his money and mortgages this mine to Jim Sanders, a sneak. Ruth Watson accidentally meets Jack Mason and, now knowing his business, she falls in love with him, and Jack, who has a big vein of genuine manhood in his character, loves the trusting little western girl in return. Finally, Old Watson comes home with ruin staring him in the face. He has lost his last dollar.
Her Faithful Heart 1911
Mary is only the assistant housekeeper of the ranch, but she has a heart as big and faithful as a queen's. Bob, who has been turned from home by his uncle because he has his own notions of marriage, comes to the ranch and Mary falls in love with him. Bill Rank, the foreman, contrives to ruin Bob's good name and make him "do time." Mary is faithful to Bob and makes a big sacrifice to help him in his trouble. Times are dark for a while, but Fate works things out at last. Bill Rank is hurt in a runaway, and, looking death to the face, he confesses the truth. Bob's good name is restored, he marries Mary, and, to cap the climax, he falls heir to a fortune.
The Warrant for Red Rube 1911
Bill Sanders, sheriff of Alkali County, gets a warrant for Red Rube, the tough. He gives it to his deputies to serve, but Rube gets busy with the strong arm and makes them look like monkeys. When several installments of deputies have failed, Bill Sanders gets on the job himself. Bill not only knows how to juggle the 44 Colts, but he keeps gray matter in his skull. In going after Red Rube, he decides to rely on his brains instead of his hardware. He disguises himself as a tenderfoot, arms himself with a camera, and gets on Rube's trail. Things are warm and lively thereafter, but Sanders gets his man, and the honor of Alkali County is preserved.
Sir Percy and the Punchers 1911
The punchers of the XL outfit are wild with joy, 'cause Mary, the idol of the ranch, is comin' home from college. Billy James is Mary's special friend, and goes to bring her from the station, but, suffering snakes! Look what's traveling with her, his nobs, "Sir Percy Granville," who owns the nearby ranch. This gets Bill's goat for a time, but Mary rides and "ropes" with the punchers, and soon shows them she is the same genuine, good-hearted Mary, and doesn't care a whoop for Sir Percy. Sir Percy insists on sticking around, however, and shows his true nature by striking Mary's younger brother, Bobby, when he defends his sister from insult.
The 'Schoolmarm' of Coyote County 1911
"I do hate learnin', but oh! you schoolmarm!" is what the boys at the gulch said when Mary came to town; and, from "Big Bill" down to Hop Lee, the Chink, they all took to study, and to courtship. The rivalry is friendly until the new foreman blows in and takes the inside track, then "Big Bill" gets jealous. At the swell (?) reception the foreman cuts Bill out and Bill decides to "lay for him." The foreman soon discharged a greaser who later robs the paymaster and contrives to fix the blame on the foreman.
The Snake in the Grass 1911
Margie, of the "Flying B" ranch, knew it was to run across a snake in the tall Texas grass, but she did not realize that there are people who, like snakes, conceal themselves until they are ready to sting. Consequently, when a sleek looking tenderfoot asked to become a boarder at the "Flying B" Margie favored him, though her father was suspicious. Margie is soon smitten with the stranger, much to the chagrin of Jack, the foreman, with whom Margie had previously been very friendly. Jack does not get ugly over the matter, but keeps his eyes open.
In the Hot Lands 1911
Nell, an independent and somewhat obstinate girl, receives an invitation to attend a dance. She asks her mother for money to buy a new dress. Her mother, a hard working woman, who has to toil from morn to night, feels that her request involves an unnecessary extravagance and she denies it. Nell answers her sharply and leaves in a sullen mood. While working in the hot, broiling sun, the mother is overcome with the heat.
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