Reichsstelle für den Unterrichtsfilm
Landung auf Ösel 1917 1939
This educational film was compiled from original footage from 1917. It shows, among other things, guns, troop transports in the port of Libau and a bombardment of the Russian coastal batteries on Ösel with on-board artillery.
Mausender Fuchs 1939
The film shows a red fox looking for food in the wild. The fox is stalking across a forest meadow. Then it stops, undecided, to scent and secure its food. On its way, it carefully examines every track...
Äthersalivation und ihre Unterdrückung durch Atropin bei der Katze 1939
Two cats housed in a glass box, one of which had received a small amount of atropine in the preliminary experiment, are exposed to ether vapors with the result that only the animal which had not been pretreated began to salivate (profusely).
Kokain-Krämpfe bei der Katze 1939
Resorptive symptoms of intoxication after injection of cocaine in cats. Motor and vegetative arousal stages, tonic-clonic spasms and their spread in the motor system are shown in the individual phases of the poisoning.
Dum-Dum-Wirkung 1938
Infantry bullets smashing a clay wall shot in slow motion at 1500 fps to give a rough demonstation of the dumdum impact. Temporal resolution of the process by means of spark cinematography at 70.000 fps.
Zyklonenbildung auf der Wetterkarte 1938
Short documentary about cyclones.
Wie ein Ziegelstein entsteht 1936
Short film about the manufacture of bricks.
Afrikanische Dickhäuter 1936
We observe the animals in the wild. After watching the film, a series of individual observations remain in the memory, which, when placed in the right context, provide an insight into the life of the African animal world.
Epithelkörperchenexstirpation bei der Katze 1936
The movie shows the consequences of total and partial removal of the epithelial bodies in a cat