KVIK Film Productions
World of Solitude 2004
This documentary is an invitation to an adventurous travel about the central highlands of Iceland within and surrounding the Vatnajökull Galcier - Europes larget icecap. A travel begins at the surface of the hot spot under Vatnajökull, where fire and ice go hand in hand.
The Ice Age Horse 2002
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Little Brother in the North 1997
In July we fallow puffin catchers going on small boats to uninhabited rocky islands where they catch the flying birds into nets. This hunt is very dangerous as the men have to operate from narrow ledges in cliffs high above the surfing ocean. In August we see another side of the puffin/man relationship, as the children lovingly collect helpless puffin chicks from streets and alleys and keep them in cardboard boxes at their homes for the night until the can help them to the sea in the morning.
The Icelandic Eider 1995
The eider do not migrate to warmer areas but survive the harsh winters in the North Atlantic. Perhaps that is why nature has provided the eider with down that has more insulatingqualities than any other bird down. The dilm shows eider "farming", a unique form of harvesting the down without harming the birds. The eider the most numerous of all ducks and geese in Iceland, counting more than half a million individuals. They return year after to a well kept colony, the biggest counting more than 6000 pairs. The female eders are seen lining ther nests with down which they pluck from their bodies. The down is collected after the clutch has left the nest.
Five Thousand Uninvited Guests 1975
The five thousand inhabitants of the Westman Islands were evacuated during the 1973 volcanic eruption and relocated in various towns on the mainland. This film deals with the social implications of this natural catastrophy.