Cicada Films
I Come From 2015
America is the world's largest jailer and our over-burdened corrections system treats individuals as numbers. I COME FROM focuses on incarcerated poets and playwrights who use the power of creativity to change the direction of their lives. Their poems and plays reflect hard lives lived, tough environments negotiated, past mistakes made. This film focuses on six incarcerated artists whose work declares a wish, a will to survive, to grow as human beings and embrace an architecture of change. Recorded at Northpoint, Kentucky Department of Corrections, USA.
Pharaoh's Army 1995    star_border 6.5
Union soldiers in search of food descend on the farm of a Confederate family and decide to stay until one in their ranks' wounds have healed. While the war weary Union captain (Chris Cooper) falls for the mother of the family (Patricia Clarkson) - whose husband is off fighting for the rebels - her son plots revenge on the dirty, double-dealing Yankees. Co-stars Kris Kristofferson.
Trouble Behind 1991
During World War I, African-Americans worked on the railroad near Corbin, Kentucky. When whites returned from the war, there was conflict. Whites sought their former jobs and positions in the community. In 1919, a race riot occurred. Whites put the African-Americans on railroad cars and ran them out of town. In Trouble Behind, members of the Corbin community speak out on the issue. The filmmakers also interview former members of the Corbin, which at the time of filming had only one black family. Some Corbin residents express confusion as to why African-Americans don't move back. Others openly use racial epithets. Some young adults seem troubled by the racism, past and present. Others don't.