Annenberg Media
Bridging World History 2004
A multimedia course for secondary school and college teachers that examined global patterns through time, seeing history as an integrated whole. Topics were studied in a general chronological order, but each is observed through a thematic lens, showing how people and societies experience both integration and differences.
A History of America 2000
In this 26-part series, prominent historians present America’s story as something that must be presented and debated from a variety of perspectives in order to be truly understood. Their thought-provoking debates and lectures — using first-person narratives, photos, film footage, and documents — will pique students’ interest and encourage them to think critically about the forces that have shaped America.
Growing Old in a New Age 1993
This series examines common misconceptions about aging and provides a springboard for analyzing new roles for elders, intergenerational alliances, resource allocation, and artificial attempts to prolong life. Age is measured in four ways, chronologically, biologically, psychologically, and socially These are the basis for discussing the quality of life in later years. 75 diverse elders relate their experiences.
The Secret of Flight 1959
A lecture series about the basic problems of flight, explained by visual presentation of flow experiments. As the material of the lectures should be understood by every interested listener, no mathematical or other theoretical knowledge is used for explanation. Every problem is demonstrated by a true-life experiment and purely scientific language is avoided. Each of the lectures deals with a basic problem of flight. The experiments are mostly shown as flow picture but at certain points scale models and flying models are used to ensure easier understanding.