National Geographic
Hitler's Stealth Fighter 2011    star_border 8
In the final months of World War II, American troops discovered a top-secret facility in Germany with an advanced batwing-shaped jet fighter. If Nazi engineers had had more time, would this jet have ultimately changed the outcome of the war? In this National Geographic documentary they rebuild a jet discovered in a top-secret German facility during the final months of World War II - the Horten 229.
The Two Million Year Old Boy 2011
A 9-year-old boy in South Africa discovers one of the greatest fossil finds of all time while taking a walk: a two-million-year-old clavicle bone belonging to a prehuman boy. Its an extraordinary find because it belongs to one of the most complete early hominid skeletons ever discovered.
Asia's Titanic 2009    star_border 9
The passenger ship Doña Paz collided with an oil tanker in the Philippines. 4,000 passengers died in the tragedy. Just five days before Christmas in 1987, the passenger ship Doña Paz collided with an oil tanker off Mindoro Island in the Philippines. 4,000 passengers died in the tragedy. It was the world's worst peacetime maritime disaster. Through dramatic first hand accounts from survivors and rescuers, transcripts from the Philippine congressional inquiry into the tragedy, archival footage and photos and a re-enactment of the collision, dissect the unfolding tragedy of Doña Paz.
Inside the Body of Henry VIII 2008
The team of experts that looked at the historic symptoms of the Tudor king are: historian, Lucy Worsley, Henry historian, Robert Hutchinson and medical doctor, Dr. Catherine Hood.
Vegas comes to China 2008
With more than $6.9 billion U.S.dollars/year in revenue, the new gambling capital of the world is Macau, Southern China, which has overtaken Las Vegas. Chinese and American 'casino-kings' are engaged in a race to open massive super-casinos, where the winner could take all.
Two Worlds: Manatee and Lion Fish 2006
This planet of ours is Two Worlds: one of land and one of the ocean. This fascinating program explores a pair of marine animals, the manatee and the lion fish, and documents their interactions with each other, as well as with their habitat. We journey to an alien environment where man goes, at his peril, to meet the creatures which make this planet one. This is a feature length documentary edited together from episodes of the inspiring documentary series for physical release.