Adria Film
The Istrian Way 1985
An insight into multi-layered relations between natives and newcomers in the town of Pula following WWII and departure of Angloamerican forces.
Honeymoon 1983    star_border 5
The first soft core porn flick made in former Yugoslavia (today Croatia). It was a huge cause celebre for the participants and equally infamous for its innumerable shortcomings ranging from the lack of coherent plot-line to the most basic elements of film making. However, in time, it has gained a somewhat cult reputation. A priceless insight into an odd culture and its lax sexual mores and follies!
Crime at School 1982
Zlatko Kovač, a provincial professor, gets the job in the big city's school, only to find out that his red-employment is not random. Professor Toth, the man he replaced, has died under the strange circumstances. Kovac meets a variety of strange people in his school's collective, and it was not long before they came up with the new body. However, the police is unable to solve the case, but he takes the matter into his own hands and setting a trap for a murderer on a school manifestation.
Devil's Island 1979    star_border 5.2
After Italian capitulation in WW2, German forces are rushing to take control of the Dalmatian coast, forcing thousands of people to take refuge. One partisan boat, filled with refugees, tries to reach a safe area, but because of a storm it must stop near a small island. While the crew tries to repair it, a German gunboat comes from nearby.
Court Martial 1978    star_border 7
Just before Italy's capitulation in 1943, an eminent lawyer is being forcefully taken to the fort by Italian authorities along with his fourteen year old son, in order to reconstruct the judicial process for thirty nameless people that never actually took place.
Nocturno 1974
After the death of his beloved wife, a nobleman from northern Croatia turns to spiritualism refusing to accept that she's gone. She begins to appear in his presence and he starts to believe that she's alive.
Islam 1973
Short documentary about Islam.