Blinky Productions
Robot Princess from Planet-X 2023
In the far reaches of outer space, on a distant world known only as Planet-X, lives a race of beings, so highly advanced, they have successfully merged man and machine into one. They call themselves Humatrons, and on Planet-X, every Humatron is created with meaning, and purpose. Under the rule of the Robot King, society functions to absolute perfection. But when his daughter, the Robot Princess mysteriously vanishes, the king enlists the help of his most trusted servant, the Space Ranger, to bring her back safe and sound.
Space Ghost 2021
Stranded on a desert planet, intergalactic criminal- Brak, and his surviving crew are desperately trying to evade capture from a deadly bounty hunter known only as the Space Ghost. Have these interstellar felons truly evaded their masked captor, or is the Space Ghost closer than they realize?
Daddy's Girl 2021    star_border 10
A twisted suspense thriller about a manipulative teenage girl who convinces her widower/alcoholic/over protective father that the boy she asked out on a date beat and raped her, when in fact he turned down her advances. But no amount of facts can persuade this enraged father. No one hurts Daddy's Girl.
Huntress 2019
After escaping her home planet, alien renegade Joalla Utann falls in love with a woman from Earth. But Joalla's home world has strict rules about leaving, and so they send a Huntress to retrieve her, no matter the cost.
Myers: The Evil of Haddonfield 2019    star_border 4
Three bodies have been discovered, but the night HE came home, is far from over, and the only man capable of stopping Michael Myers' evil from spreading, is Dr. Loomis.
iPsycho 2019
Cat Vicious is a rising shock jock DJ, with a nihilistic on air personality, who spends most of her show mocking and belittling her listeners. But when a mysterious caller pirates her frequency, things take a turn for the terrifying as Cat ultimately realizes that her beloved radio station might soon become her tomb. Can she survive the night or will this be her last broadcast?
Ultra-Girl 2018    star_border 8.8
After sinking into a deep depression, riddled with writer's block and frustration, a comic creator is visited by his own caped creation: Ultra-Girl. Will she be able to inspire the man who made her? Or is this the end for both of them?
Shashamane 2016    star_border 10
Africa's history is stained with suffering; but after generations of slavery, oppression, and diaspora, many ancestral Africans are now returning to reclaim their heritage. In the heart of Ethiopia, Shashamane was dedicated by King Haile Selassie as a homeland for those of African descent. This thoughtful and beautifully shot documentary follows those who have heeded this call to return to their ancestral home and recover their African identity.
The Specialist 2016    star_border 2.8
Origin story of Ken the Specialist prior to meeting Phantom Faye and Kayla the Centurion.
Pretty Little Killers 2015    star_border 10
An introverted young woman named Phoebe is about to have her world turned inside out by way of her dangerous new friend, Kady. Will Phoebe be able to take control of her life or will she fall victim to the mysterious and menacing Kady?
Turned 2015    star_border 9
When Jack, a rough and tough vampire slayer, is bitten by his arch-nemesis Monty, he has but one day left to live before he becomes the very thing he has been hunting for most of his life.
Assassinista 2015    star_border 6.8
Jaci v. Solitaire
iPsycho II 2013    star_border 6.8
After a decade of verbally abusing his guests and spreading messages of hate and intolerance by way of his talk show - Beckford's Right, Stanton Beckford is about to receive an unscheduled call from a very dangerous viewer, the iPsycho. Seizing control of Beckford's car, the tech-savy mad man takes this conservative right winger on a ride to hell and back in an effort to make him see the error of his ways... But will he or will he fall victim to the killer's growing list of lost causes?
Perfect: Android Rising 2013    star_border 3.5
The perfect killing machine is reprogrammed to think and feel.
Krueger: Another Tale from Elm Street 2013    star_border 3
In Springwood, long before he became a demon of dreams, Freddy Krueger stalked the streets under another name - The Springwood Slasher. A little girl will learn why she should never get into a stranger's car.
Stand Off 2012    star_border 5.9
A group of elite female bank robbers are thrown into a Mexican stand off when they discover that someone on their team might be a snitch for the cops...
Split 2012    star_border 5.2
Two personalities battle for dominance inside the mind of a woman. But how can one personality be entitled to everything when both have their own lives?
Dig a Hole and Die 2012    star_border 6.5
A suicide patient is forced to dig his own grave at gun point.
Superhero 2012    star_border 5.4
One man's love is personified in superhero form inside the mind of his drug addicted girlfriend as she goes through withdrawal.
Roses 2012    star_border 5.2
Wisdom comes in many forms, but we seldom take it. Especially when it comes in the guise of a heartbroken youth, sitting on a bench in Central Park. But his message is timeless: You cannot appreciate life unless you stop and smell the roses.
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