Trotz und Treue: Das Phänomen Sahra Wagenknecht 2024
2024 is likely to be a decisive year for Sahra Wagenknecht's political future. In the arena of power, she might assume a role that she is already very familiar with. In the early years following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Sahra Wagenknecht became the "most famous face" of the PDS, the successor party to the SED. Yet, even as the youngest member of the party's executive board, she was considered a "disruptive factor." She is unyielding and swims against the tide. Sahra Wagenknecht does not distance herself from Stalinism, nor from the Berlin Wall, and wishes for a reformed GDR.
Ukraine: A Battle for History 2024    star_border 7.5
"Vladimir versus Volodymyr" or: the ancient battle between Russian and Ukrainian historical narratives, in which a medieval prince serves as justification for Putin's war of aggression. The documentary goes in search of key moments in Ukrainian historiography and reveals how one of the bloodiest wars in Europe since 1945 came about. It traces the long struggle of Ukrainians against a Russian oppressive culture and deciphers how their struggle for freedom and independence is above all a battle for their own history that has been waged for generations. A story of daring Vikings, of the flourishing Middle Ages as a bridge between Europe and Asia, of Polish foreign rule, of knightly Cossacks, and of a ambitious Russian tsarina, Catherine the Great, who subjugated the south of today's Ukraine and thus became the brutal pioneer of events in the 20th century, where Millions of people have died, been murdered or deported as a result of wars, revolutions, pogroms and starvation.
Das Duell - Selenskyj gegen Putin 2023    star_border 9
Terror, Tote, Völkerfreundschaft: Die DDR und der Nahost-Konflikt 2022
Die Queen - Schicksalsjahre einer Königin 2022    star_border 7
The Natural History of Destruction 2022    star_border 7.3
Is it morally acceptable to use the civilian population as yet another tool for waging war? Is it possible to justify death and destruction for the sake of supposedly lofty ideals? The question remains as pertinent today as it was at the beginning of World War II, and it is becoming increasingly urgent to answer, as countless tragedies have been caused by unethical political decisions.
Selenskyj - Ein Präsident im Krieg 2022    star_border 8.3
Strawalde - Ein Leben in Bildern 2021
What did the Pope know about the Holocaust? 2020
The Vatican opened once-secret records on Pope Pius XII on March 2020. This gave researchers a brand new insight into the Catholic Church during the Nazi era. What did the Pope know about the Holocaust?
Frenemies: Putin and Trump 2020    star_border 7.5
Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first politicians to congratulate Donald Trump on his election as president of the United States in 2016, but over time the relationship between the two heads of state has had its ups and downs. Are they friends or enemies? Has their mutual admiration turned into mutual distrust?
Solidarność: How Solidarity Changed Europe 2019    star_border 6.5
Gdańsk, Poland, September 1980. Lech Wałęsa and other Lenin shipyard workers found Solidarność (Solidarity), the first independent trade union behind the Iron Curtain. The long and hard battle to bring down communist dictatorship has begun.
Mademoiselle Paradis 2017    star_border 5.6
18th century Vienna. Maria Theresia von Paradis, a gifted piano player and close friend of Mozart's, lost her eye-sight as a child. Desperate to cure their talented daughter, the Paradis entrust Maria to Dr. Mesmer, a forward-thinking-physician who gives her the care and attention that she requires. With the doctor's innovative techniques of magnetism, Maria slowly recovers her sight. But this miracle comes at a price as the woman progressively starts to lose her gift for music.
A Gentle Creature 2017    star_border 6.2
A woman lives in a small village in Russia. One day she receives the parcel she sent to her husband, serving a sentence in prison. Confused and angered, she sets out to find why her package was returned to sender.
Hitler's Hollywood 2017    star_border 6.4
Film journalist and critic Rüdiger Suchsland examines German cinema from 1933, when the Nazis came into power, until 1945, when the Third Reich collapsed. (A sequel to From Caligari to Hitler, 2015.)
Erich Mielke - Master of Fear 2015    star_border 5
Docudrama about life, career and breakdown of Erich Mielke, the former Security chief of East Germany.
My Friend Rockefeller 2015    star_border 6.4
Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter lived a life of deception and crime before settling on his ultimate scam - impersonating a Rockefeller. How was Gerhartsreiter able to dupe so many people from so many walks of life? A story that begins in a Bavarian village, continues in the most exclusive clubs on the American East Coast, - and ends in a Los Angeles court.
From Caligari to Hitler 2015    star_border 7.4
Film journalist and critic Rüdiger Suchsland examines German cinema from 1919, when the Republic of Weimar is born, to 1933, when the Nazis come into power. (Followed by Hitler's Hollywood, 2017.)
Caligari: When Horror Came to Cinema 2014    star_border 6.7
On February 26, 1920, Robert Wiene's world-famous film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari premiered at the Marmorhaus in Berlin. To this day, it is considered a manifesto of German expressionism; a legend of cinema and a key work to understand the nature of the Weimar Republic and the constant political turmoil in which a divided society lived after the end of the First World War.
Lyndon B. Johnson - Succeeding Kennedy 2013
1913 - Der letzte Tanz des Kaisers 2013
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Mein Traum, meine Geschichte 2023
Le travail forcé sous l’Allemagne nazie 2023    star_border 10
Working for the Enemy: Forced Labour in the Third Reich 2023
In the name of Hitler, more than 13 million Europeans – in many cases mere children – were taken from their homes and forced to work for the enemy, Nazi Germany. This phenomenon was not confined to concentration camps: there was no German town, no German village that did not have forced labourers. From numerous international perspectives, this series traces the story of both, the victims and the perpetrators.
Die Queen - Schicksalsjahre einer Königin 2022
Krieg vor Gericht - Die Jugoslawien-Prozesse 2021    star_border 8
Afghanistan: The Wounded Land 2020    star_border 7
Afghanistan is at a crossroads between traditions and a contemporary lifestyle.
Colonia Dignidad 2020    star_border 6
The self-proclaimed preacher Paul Schäfer gathered people around him in post-war Germany. The sect founded a youth home near Cologne. But in 1961 Schäfer had to flee. Many followers followed him to Chile. 350 kilometers south of Santiago, far away from civilization, they begin building the Colonia Dignidad. A supposed model village with workshops, agriculture, livestock breeding was being created. But paradise became hell because slave labor, violence and sexual abuse soon became a part of everyday life. After the military coup in 1973, Schäfer served the new rulers: secret police chief Manuel Contreras and dictator Augusto Pinochet now came and went in the colony, while the opponents of the terrorist regime are tortured and killed in the cellars. Using unpublished archive material and contemporary witness statements, this 4-part documentary miniseries traces the complex, 50-year history of perpetrators, victims, supporters and opponents of this place that became the epitome of evil.
Brothers at War 2020    star_border 7.5
A look back at a cruel conflict, the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71), which changed the political geography of Europe and sowed the seeds of a deep antagonism between France and Germany that culminated in two world wars. Excerpts from the diaries of the witnesses, photographs and painted panoramas tell the truth about a forgotten war.
Kids of Courage 2019    star_border 8
This outstanding and sensitive drama series tells a young and family audience the stories of children who lived through a most difficult era in recent history - and who grew with its challenges.
Clash of Futures (1918-1939) 2018    star_border 7.8
From the armistice of 1918, which marked the end of the First World War, to the declaration of war in September 1939, the beginning of the Second World War: an era during which there was an aspiration to create a new world, prosperous and at peace, but which provoked a new tragedy, seen through the destinies of thirteen people who were both actors and witnesses of the upheavals of the so-called inter-war period.
Der Traum von der Neuen Welt 2017
Recounts the largest migration movement in history in which 55 million Europeans left their home countries and set off to America.
Moskaus Imperium: Alter Traum von Macht und Stärke 2017
The Cuba Libre Story 2015    star_border 6
Recounts the tumultuous history of Cuba, a nation of foreign conquest, freedom fighters and Cold War political machinations.
Annihilation 2014    star_border 8
Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, we have not finished accounting for the destruction of Europe's Jewish population. One question remains today: not why, but how was the Shoah possible?
14: Diaries of the Great War 2014    star_border 7.8
When war broke out in Europe in 1914, most people thought the conflict would be over by Christmas; they could not imagine how wrong they were. An attack in Sarajevo ended up becoming a snowball that swept the world: a new kind of warfare had begun, waged with techniques and means never seen before. By November 1918, ten million people had died and the political map of the planet had been redrawn.
Damals nach der DDR 2010
Behind the wall 2004
TV Documentary about life in the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik / DDR) from the beginning till the Fall of the Wall.