La Compagnie des Taxis-Brousse
La bataille d'Airbus 2023    star_border 9
Prague au service de Moscou : Dans les secrets de la guerre froide 2022    star_border 8
FAST: The Celestial Eye 2021
China's FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) can detect radio signals emitted tens of thousands of light-years away, and engineers have faced unprecedented challenges in constructing a giant radio receptor nestled amid mountains. From novel technological innovations to architectural challenges, we follow every step that gave birth to the biggest radio telescope ever constructed.
The Cleaner 2021    star_border 8
One ordinary citizen keeps his family out of poverty by cleaning up bloody crime scenes across Mexico City. This innovative feature, mixing documentary, surreal animations and a Mariachi chorus centres around Donovan Tavera and his struggle to continue his bloody work whilst keeping not only his wife and daughter together but also his mind. The film brings many of the haunting dead clients of Donovan back to cinematic life and thus denounces the terrible violence raging in Mexico. It thereby reveals the extraordinary balancing act between life and death needed to survive in modern Mexico.
Moon: The Battles of Space 2019    star_border 9
July 20, 1969. Apollo 11 lands on the surface of the Moon. Such a feat was apparently performed to the greater glory of all mankind, but actually it marked the end of the space race disputed by the two great superpowers of the time in their eagerness to arrive before and the beginning of the spread of the Cold War into space. Nowadays, the struggle continues, but the main competitors and their purposes are others.
La Fusée Ariane : Le Défi français 2018
Tea War: The Adventures of Robert Fortune 2016
In the 19th century, China held the monopoly on tea, which was dear and fashionable in the West, and the British Empire exchanged poppies, produced in its Indian colonies and transformed into opium, for Chinese tea. Inundated by the drugs, China was forced to open up its market, and the British consolidated their commercial dominance. In 1839, the Middle Empire introduced prohibition. The Opium War was declared… Great Britain emerged as the winner, but the warning was heeded: it could no longer depend on Chinese tea. The only alternative possible was to produce its own tea. The East India Company therefore entrusted one man with finding the secrets of the precious beverage. His mission was to develop the first plantations in Britain’s Indian colonies. This latter-day James Bond was called Robert Fortune – a botanist. After overcoming innumerable ordeals in the heart of imperial China, he brought back the plants and techniques that gave rise to Darjeeling tea.
Freightened: The Real Price of Shipping 2016    star_border 7.6
In an audacious investigation, Freightened will reveal the mechanics and perils of freight shipment; an all-but-visible industry that holds the key to our economy, our environment and the very model of our civilisation.
OGM - Mensonges et Vérités 2015    star_border 6.3
The wedding of the elephants 2014
At the heart of the South-East Asia, there are impenetrable forests. Outstanding Men kept it an ancestral know-how: the taming of the elephants. We call them Bunong – the original people of mountains. For centuries, Bunong considers the elephants as their brothers of the forest. Together, they worked miracles. Majestic quoted from Angkor was built thanks to the ingenuity of the men, allied to the physical strength of their elephants. They live in harmony in this world of forests where a brilliant multitude reigns over the fate of the men and the animals.
Karaoké, la machine enchantée 2014
Sand Wars 2013    star_border 8.5
Is sand an infinite resource? Can the existing supply satisfy a gigantic demand fueled by construction booms? What are the consequences of intensive beach sand mining for the environment and the neighboring populations?
Le sable - Enquête sur une disparition 2013    star_border 9
La bête du Gévaudan - Autopsie d'un mythe 2002    star_border 8