Jeremiah Films
location_onLos AngelespublicUS
The Secret World of Mormonism 2003
The errors and inconsistencies of LDS (Mormon) theology and practice, from an evangelical Christian perspective.
Seventh-day Adventism—The Spirit Behind the Church 1999    star_border 10
This hard-hitting, eye opening documentary explores the teaching of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, it's origins and the changes which have occurred throughout the years. It examines the claims of the religion's founder, the late prophetess Ellen G. White, and compares her unique beliefs with Biblical truth. You will meet a number of former high-ranking church leaders, many of them fourth generation members, and discover what happened when they embarked on a journey to uncover the truth about their organization. You will be shocked by what they found.
The Unwrapping of Christmas 1999    star_border 10
This exciting video explores the history of many traditions surrounding the Christmas holiday and examines their connections to paganism. Viewers will discover the real story of Christmas and be challenged to take advantage of "the holiday season" to proclaim the truth. Find out the truth about: why we decorate the Christmas tree, put up lights around the house, Santa Claus and his magical reindeer Was December 25th really Jesus's birthday? Discover answers to these and much, much more...
Earth's Two-Minute Warning 1997
The two-minute warning signals the final and climactic moments of play in a football game. In this riveting and explosive new video, you'll discover why leading prophecy experts believe Earth's Two-Minute Warning has already sounded!
One World Globalism, the Anti-Christ, and Planet Earths Last Days 1997    star_border 8
This prophecy movie is a breath-taking prophetic glimpse into the future. World renowned authors Hal Lindsay, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Marlin Maddoux, and Chuck Missler offer startling insights into the turbulent days in which we live. A political and spiritual conditioning process is now in full swing following such diverse events as the September 11th tragedy and the media hype surrounding the Harry Potter phenomenon. This fast-paced prophecy DVD presents a clear and concise scenario of the earth-shattering events which are about to unfold across our planet. An important and eye-opening warning for this generation.Based on the book "Earth's Two Minute Warning" and includes scenes from the original video of the same title.
Obstruction Of Justice: the Mena Connection 1996
Two teenagers stumble upon a major drug smuggling operation. The boys are brutally murdered and their bodies placed on railroad tracks to give the appearance of a train accident. Soon, crime scene eyewitnesses vanish and investigations are shut down. The grieving parents are stunned. Corruption involving high level officials from Arkansas to Washington is documented in this incredible true life story. Why were numerous county, state and federal government investigations blocked? Why was a thirty month federal-grand-jury investigation abruptly shut down. Why did the FBI tell one boy's grieving parents, "You should accept the fact that a crime has not been committed?" This story of murder, drugs, corruption, and cover-ups, involves high ranking government officials, reaching up to the most powerful office in the world. It shows that interference from sinister political allies continues to protect these criminals from prosecution.
The Crash: The Coming Financial Collapse Of America 1993
This film was produced in the early 90s and with such pinpoint accuracy explains our current economic situation, its uncanny…almost prophetic. See what roads have lead America to its dependency on debt, and how you, as an individual, can escape it. America must borrow more than a billion dollars a day to help pay the interest on our national debt! What does this mean for our future? How can we protect our families? Hear expert economic analysis from Larry Burkett, Ed Meese, US Senator Trent Lott, and others.
Who Goes There? Channeling 1993    star_border 10
What is channeling? What are "spirit guides", "inner friends", and "multiple personalities?" Where do they come from? Is there any harm to the practitioner? Find out in this fascinating and startling examination of one of America's most dangerous spiritual trends. Channeling: the phenomenon is widespread. There are thousands of channelers in North America alone, and millions of adherents from all walks of life. They come seeking the wisdom of the so called spirit guides. Who Goes There? Takes you into the world of these channeled entities and raises some pertinent questions. Are the guides really who they say they are? Are there any dangers in this modern form of medium ship? WHO GOES THERE? looks beneath the surface into issues where mystery abounds.
The Witness Goes Out 1992    star_border 10
Dramatic sequel to The Witness At Your Door. A lifelong Jehovah's Witness finds freedom from the bondage of the Watchtower Society and in the process discovers the truth behind their stand on blood transfusions and their history of false prophecies. Leo Stern was first featured as the militant elder in the video The Witness at Your Door, a dramatic presentation of how innocent people become involved with the Watchtower Society. In this exciting sequel, Elder Leo must face the painful truth of a life shipwreck on the rocks of misguided religious zeal and false teaching. Can a life-long Jehovah's Witness, hardened by heretical doctrines and beliefs, find freedom from the bondage of the Watchtower Society? Is it possible for someone like Leo Stern to open his heart to the Gospel and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
The God Makers II 1992    star_border 7.5
Documentary-styled film produced by Ed Decker and Jeremiah Films in 1993. The film attempts to be an exposé of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The film is a sequel to Decker’s earlier film The God Makers.
Pagan Invasion, Vol. 8: Preview of the Antichrist 1991
According to ancient Hebrew scriptures, in the last days mankind will urgently seek the security of a one-world government. This global desire for a super leader, who will bring peace and safety to a world in chaos, will ultimately leave the human race vulnerable to the beguiling charm and grace of the most intelligent, powerful, and charismatic person of all history. The Bible calls this man the "anti-christ." Ironically, he will dominate the globe and orchestrate society's ultimate destruction. Chuck Smith and Caryl Matrisciana host this exciting blueprint of apocalyptic events. Interviews with prophecy experts Chuck Missler, Hal Lindsey, and Peter Lalonde explain "why" the world will follow this man into perdition. Must viewing for all who desire a glimpse of the future.
Pagan Invasion, Vol. 9: Secrets of Mind Control 1991
Mind Control: the ability to captivate and control the hearts and minds of others for one's own purpose. Most people believe they are immune to brainwashing. Yet time and again the 20th century has witnessed the atrocities of ruthless leaders as they continue to exploit their vulnerable and idealistic followers. Chuck Smith and Caryl Mastrisciana confront the manipulative techniques of mind control. Shocking footage of actual mind control therapies highlights this fascinating and explosive expose.
Pagan Invasion, Vol. 10: The Latter Day Empire 1991
In 1830 Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Today, Smith's Mormon Empire boasts a membership of millions of dedicated followers, and is said to be the largest business corporation in the Western United States! What is the purpose of this organization that now encompasses an incalculable amount of influence in city, state and federal government, law enforcement agenices, the FBI and CIA? Chuck Smith and Caryl Matrisciana document the history, methods, and theology of Mormonism, uncovering many 'hidden secrets' of this latter day empire.
Freemasonry: From Darkness To Light? 1991
Uncover the spiritual and historical roots of Freemasonry and the truth that is helping thousands to pass From Darkness to Light. Breaking the veil of secrecy which for years shrouded the subject of Freemasonry, this video represents a major challenge for Freemasons to take a deeper look at what their organization stands for.
Devil Worship: The Rise of Satanism 1989    star_border 5.2
An epidemic of ritual abuse of children from infants to teenagers is sweeping through the country. According to recent TV and radio broadcasts 2 million children a year are reported missing, many too young to be runaways and 5 thousand unidentifiable bodies of children are found each year in the US alone. "Devil Worship: The Rise of Satanism" takes you behind the scenes into actual black witchcraft and satanic rituals. Former Satanists, practicing witches and law enforcement experts explain the vastness and diversity of the movement. Experts tell why people join and how Satanists recruit their members as well as their victims. Parents are given clues to determine if their children are involved. Most importantly, dangerous doorways into the occult are exposed.
AIDS: What You Haven't Been Told 1989
Unmask the myths, cover-ups and political manipulations concerning the world's most deadly killer virus! THIS shocking and visually appealing documentary, filmed in twelve major cities in the United States and Europe, unmasks the myths, cover-ups and political manipulations concerning the world's most deadly killer.
The Witness At Your Door 1989    star_border 10
A dramatic presentation of how innocent people become ensnared by the Watchtower Society. An inside look at how the Jehovah's Witnesses recruit, brainwash, and train new members.The Witness at Your Door is a compelling, fast-moving drama which presents an inside look at how the Jehovah's Witnesses recruit, train and exercise mind-control over their members. Based on true-life experiences, this powerful and humorous DVD follows one man's story from beginning to end. Joe Simpson becomes a convert to the "Watchtower Society" at a vulnerable time in his life. But he is eventually freed from the organization after the real Jesus of the Bible is presented to him by a caring Christian. When you watch this DVD, we know you will want to see the exciting sequel, The Witness Goes Out.
The Evolution Conspiracy 1988    star_border 5.5
Unmasks fraudulent cover-ups, wild speculations, and deceitful myths that have been presented as the absolute "facts" of evolution. Should evolutionism, the foundational faith of eastern mystical thought, be taught in schools as science, when Creationism, the foundational belief of Judeo-Christianity, has been expelled?
Temple of the God Makers 1987    star_border 10
This explosive DVD documentary shows bizarre LDS temple rituals and shatters the facade that hides contradictory Mormon teachings. A sequel to the powerful film The God Makers, Temple of the God Makers exposes the paganism of Mormon temple rites practiced daily by its elitist members throughout the world. It tells the history behind blood oaths and sacrifices and of the Mormons' plan for an endtimes takeover of the United States.
Witnesses of Jehovah 1986    star_border 8
This documentary scrutinizes the Jehovah's Witnesses, and argues that the Watch Tower Society holds tyrannical control over the lives of its members.
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