The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Hill Cumorah Pageant [2019 Performance] 2019
The Hill Cumorah Pageant was an annual production of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints staged at the foot of the Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, New York. It depicted Joseph Smith's encounter with the Golden Plates (translated into English as the Book of Mormon), as well as a dramatization of the events recorded therein. 2019 was the last season of performance, after debuting in 1937.
On the Lord's Errand: The Life of Thomas S. Monson 2008
A biographical overview of President Thomas S. Monson's life and service in the Church. It includes interviews with President Monson, family members, and close friends.
The Restoration 2004    star_border 5.7
This film recounts how Joseph Smith's search for truth led to a heavenly vision and the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Joy to the World 2003    star_border 6
Joseph and a pregnant Mary travel to Bethlehem for the census and stay in a stable where they prepare for the birth of Christ. Meanwhile, the bugs ride along with Mary and Joseph to search for a new place but find the stable already occupied. They continue their search and eventually wind up back at the stable where they discover the significance of the new baby.
Finding Faith In Christ 2003    star_border 7.8
This film portrays the power, majesty, and love of Jesus Christ through the eyes of Thomas, who once doubted. It explains how faith in Christ will help individuals resolve personal challenges.
The Testaments 2000    star_border 7.1
This film depict events from the Life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament and the Book of Mormon. The story culminates with a portrayal of the Ressurected Savior's visit to the ancient Americas as seen through the eyes of a fictional family. Jesus' ministry to the members of His fold in both the Holy Land and the ancient Americas powerfully demonstrates that He is the Good Shepherd of all who hear His voice.
An Ensign to the Nations 1997
"An Ensign to the Nations" was made by the LDS Church's Audiovisual Department, with Russ Holt as the producer. With so much attention paid to the early history of the church during its sesquicentennial year, Holt said the movie depicts church history from 1847 to 1997. It makes clear that the pioneer trek wasn't the end - but rather the beginning - of an epic story that continues to grow larger with each passing year.
Legacy 1993    star_border 6.7
A portrayal of the early Latter-day Saints' joys, sacrifices, hopes, and trials; their epic journey to the Salt Lake Valley; and their legacy of faith in Jesus Christ.
The Mountain of the Lord 1993    star_border 7.9
Recounts the 40-year history of building the Salt Lake Temple, shown as if recounted by Wilford Woodruff to a young reporter. It portrays the pioneers' dedication to temple worship.
Called To Serve 1991
Designed to motivate youth to prepare themselves for missions and to strengthen the families of missionaries. Portrays the joys of preparing for and giving missionary service. Appropriate for families, youth, seminary, and other groups.
The Story of the Other Wise Man 1989
Based on a story by Henry Van Dyke. After years of searching, a fourth Wise Man finds Jesus Christ, but he has no gifts left to give Him. He is comforted to learn that "inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40)
How Rare a Possession: The Book of Mormon 1987    star_border 10
Depicts the factual accounts of Vincenzo Di Francesca and Parley P. Pratt and how they came to appreciate the contents of the Book of Mormon.
Together Forever 1987    star_border 6
Four vignettes from the lives of families, couples, and individuals illustrate powerful truths that make marriage more rewarding and family relationships more meaningful.
Our Heavenly Father's Plan 1986
Through music and a young man's testimony, questions about the purpose of life are answered.
The Emmett Smith Story 1979
Emmett Smith, a competitive runner and high school track coach at Cortez High School in Phoenix, Arizona, is left without a sense of balance after a brain tumor is removed. He is told that he will never run again, but undaunted, he sets and meets a goal of not only regaining the ability to run, but to run 20 consecutive miles before a year has elapsed. Wheelchair-bound Cindy Duncan's determination gets her admitted to Apollo High School in Glendale, Arizona after she demonstrates that she will not need special attention. Coach Smith (now at Apollo) challenges her to meet the goal of recovering from her injuries (from being hit by a car) to the extent of being able to walk to the podium at graduation to receive her diploma. He bets that she can do it, and will have to wheel himself in her wheelchair the entire three miles to Cortez H.S. if she succeeds.
The Phone Call 1977    star_border 7.8
Scott starts work at a drive-in burger and ice cream restaurant when his paper route proves inadequate to raise the money he needs for a mail order karate course. He has determined that this course will help him gain the self-confidence he needs to get up the courage to call and ask Pam out to see a movie. Although at first just commenting on his mistakes, Becky, a co-worker, offers to help him make the crucial phone call. In the process Scott offers insights about how Joe is abusive in his relationship with Becky.
Elaine Dart, Not Like Other People 1975
This documentary shows Elaine Dart's success in dealing with cerebral palsy. Through perseverance and patience, she learns to use her feet to accomplish such intricate tasks as threading a needle, stringing beads, and knitting.
Pioneers in Petticoats 1969
Abigail Harper comes to Salt Lake and is called to be president of the newly organized Retrenchment Society.
Johnny Lingo 1969    star_border 5.6
Johnny Lingo, one of the sharpest traders in the south pacific islands decides to bargain for a wife, and offers a record price of eight cows for Mahana, a plain girl who shuns contact. This causes quite a sensation on the island. A year later Johnny and his wife return for the first time since the marriage, and all find that something miraculous has occurred to Mahana. Johnny explains that by paying eight cows he proved that she was worth more to him than any other woman on the island. He gave her a great gift, that of self-worth.
The Windows of Heaven 1963    star_border 5
As 85-year-old President Lorenzo Snow struggles to vanquish the two million dollar indebtedness of the Mormon church in 1899, he feels inspired to journey from Salt Lake City by train and carriage to St. George in southern Utah. Along the way he witnesses the effects of severe drought. The next day, in the St. George Tabernacle, he receives inspiration that by paying tithing, the "windows of heaven" will open, pouring out blessings. He promises the people that they can plant crops and rain will come, then continues to preach tithing as he returns home where he awaits favorable weather reports from St. George.