Enigma Films
Black Skies 2015
Larry is an insecure man who finds the reason for his liberation after Ángel disappears in an inexplicable event. When Ángel reappears, he draws him into the mystery from where he returned.
Impávido 2012    star_border 6.4
Ray, a man without family addicted to the game, dedicated to steal cars and for love will end up in jail.
In the Lost City 2009    star_border 4
The city of Madrid as it appears in the Spanish films of the 1950s. A small tribute to all those who filmed and portrayed Madrid despite the dictatorship, censorship and the critical situation of industry and society.
Joe K 2006
A few years ago Carlos only had a brother, a mother, a partner and two children. Now his family is much bigger.
Toy Boy 2004    star_border 2
A couple buys a blow up doll as a joke, but soon the doll begins to reveal that it has a consciousness to one of the boyfriends, the man begins to have full on conversations with said blow up doll, leading the other boyfriend to think he has gone insane.
Web of Darkness 2001    star_border 2
Julie is a vampire fanatic. When her boyfriend Mike turns her on to a new website that boasts a clan of real life vampires, she can't resist the opportunity to indulge her fantasy. But things go horribly wrong when the 'Cyber-Vamps' turn out to be actual creatures of the night and Julie is bitten to start her on the path to becoming one of them. With time running out before they come to finish the job on her, Julie turns to the only person she can to save her. Mike enlists the help of a reclusive Vampire Hunter as he finds himself in a battle for the immortal soul of the woman he loves and pitted against a clan of bloodthirsty undead.
Memphis Belle 1990    star_border 6.7
The "Memphis Belle" is a World War II bomber, piloted by a young crew on dangerous bombing raids into Europe. The crew only have to make one more bombing raid before they have finished their duty and can go home. In the briefing before their last flight, the crew discover that the target for the day is Dresden, a heavily-defended city that invariably causes many Allied casualties