Bison Motion Pictures
The Wrong Man 1917
A stagecoach robbery leads to a desperate attempt to round up the bandits.
Goin' Straight 1917
Billy Carter and two Mexicans, Cuteo and Estaban, are smugglers of opium which they bring across the border from Mexico into the United States. The authorities are unable to apprehend them, so "Pinnacle" Bill and "Cheyenne" Harry of the Arizona Ranger Service are sent to assist the sheriff, Dan Beckham, and the inspectors in their search.
The Drifter 1917
The Drifter is a 1917 Western short.
The Tornado 1917    star_border 5.5
The Tornado mostly followed pulp Western formula -- bad guys hold up a town, take a girl hostage, and the hero rides to the rescue. But there were a couple of twists that made it seem more personal than the usual cowboy fare. Ford's Jack Dayton ... is known as "the No-Gun Man" because he faces the villains unarmed, anticipating the character played by James Stewart in George Marshall's 1939 Western comedy classic Destry Rides Again. Dayton is an immigrant who uses the reward money to bring over his mother (Jean Hathaway) from Ireland, a prototypically Fordian situation if there ever was one.
The Outlaw and the Lady 1917
Major Carter, owner of the Sunset mines, reads of a reward offered for Cheyenne Harry if captured. The butler gives him a telegram telling of the flooding of several shafts in his mine. He is soon on the way to the mine in his car. Ruth, his daughter, follows in her roadster.
The Bad Man of Cheyenne 1917
Sheriff Crane's wife and child are preparing for a little journey with their wagon and team. On arriving at the store, the wife, on attempting to get out, stumbles and startles the horses, which causes them to run away, the child hanging on to the wagon. This is seen by Harry, who gives chase, captures the runaway horses, and returns the child, unhurt, to the mother
Blood Money 1917
The sheriff, Dan Beckham, and his deputy, Bud Cameron, are posting signs offering a reward for the capture of Cheyenne Harry, accused of holding up a Wells Fargo shipment. Shortly after they have tacked the sign to a tree Cheyenne Harry removes it.
The Better Man 1916
The Better Man
The Conspiracy 1916
The Conspiracy is a 1916 silent film
The Princely Bandit 1916
The Princely Bandit
For the Love of a Girl 1916
Black La Rue was born on the Mexican border in times of raids and fights. His father was killed in one of the fights. The circumstances of his birth have in some strange way affected his character so that he can never see a fight without having an irresistible desire to join the fray.
The Committee on Credentials 1916
Gambler Ballrat Bob tries to halt Clem, a squatter, from gambling away all his money.
The Wedding Guest 1916
The sheriff of the county is elected by men who call him the "squarest sheriff alive." Panchita Garcia, the flower of the town, loved by all, leaves home for a walk, passing through the town, where all the cowboys come out to meet her. "Bad" Pedro, a native, sees her and follows. He overtakes her and tries to kiss her. The sheriff, who has been passing by and has given Pedro's wife money to buy food for the starving children, hears her and runs to her assistance.
The Passing of Hell's Crown 1916
Hell's Crown, a town where law and order are as scarce as preachers, is ruled by "Chuck" Wells, a former gun man. He has a dupe in Blaze, the terror of the town, and holds him by keeping him well supplied with money. A sheriff is appointed at Carson City on account of the horse rustlers.
The Night Riders 1916
Jack Marston is the sheriff of a western town and Jennie, his sister, is postmistress and operator at the stage station. Among the inhabitants of the town is an Indian breed. An outcast from his own people, he is looked down upon by the race of his adoption, although his education has included a college course. The express company has posted a reward for the apprehension of one Apache Kid and his band of fellow robbers. The next night the band arrive in the town and hold up one of the main saloons. Peggy, a dance hall girl, takes the fancy of the leader, the Apache Kid, and he abducts her and takes her with them when they make their escape.
Stampede in the Night 1916
Old man Wilson is much inclined to a liberal use of liquor. His daughter. Nell, is known and liked by all the cowboys of the surrounding ranches. Jack Harding is especially fond of Nell. Old man Wilson fears Jack. The manager of the ranch on which Jack works is negotiating with a livestock exchange relative to the sale of a bunch of horses, and accordingly, the buyer of the exchange, Neal Banning, arrives on the ground, accompanied by his daughter, to look over the stock. Jack finds the city-bred girl very fascinating, while she finds much to admire in the young cowboy. The two take many rides together, in which Jack explains the country and the business of the livestock people to the girl. Nell notices the growing intimacy between the two, and is very down-hearted over it.
His Majesty Dick Turpin 1916
His Majesty Dick Turpin
On the Trail of the Tigress 1916
Pidetta, a notorious French woman and leader of one of Paris' worst gangs of crooks, lives in a beautiful chateau which contains an underground palace. She reads in the papers of the arrival at the best hotel of Betty Hoffman, her mother and fiancé, an American millionaire. She decides to make Betty her next victim... .
When Rogues Fall Out 1915
Holmes, the president of the S.L. Railway, has been trying very hard to secure a new franchise for his company. Frank Hynes, an acquaintance of Helen, the daughter of Holmes, has been a friendly visitor at the house, but, unknown to Helen and her father, is trying in every way possible to prevent Holmes from obtaining the franchise.
A Desperate Leap 1915
As the freight train on which are riding Mike and Leary, two knights of the road, passes the station at Hynes, the tramps steal the mail bag which had been placed on the crane by the postmaster of that place. They jump from the train in a secluded spot and start to rifle the bag.
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