DEFA-Studio für Trickfilme
Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein 1991
Als es noch Wassermänner gab... 1991
In My Neighbourhood 1991
Occupation 1991
Spuren im Schnee 1990
Anna, Called Hobblelegs 1990
Anna, the witch girl, has one short leg and one long leg and is therefore only called the hobble witch. Anna trains until she is far superior to all the others in both running and sneaking races. When she even reaches the end of the world and outwits two clumsy giants who do not want any creature to escape from this terrible place alive, she realises that she can be proud of herself.
Tolpatsch 1990
Lebensbedürfnis oder: Arbeit macht Spaß 1990
A man energetically crushes stones into gravel with a hammer, while in another part of the workshop, a woman forms gravel into stone blocks with equal enthusiasm.
Sitis 1990
Monument 1990    star_border 2
A statue, with outstretched arm pointing “forward,” is unveiled to thunderous applause. Then one day it points the other way. Once again, thunderous applause!
Old Masters 1990
From Ingres’ “Reclining Venus” to Gaugin’s Tahitian women – a museum guard presents famous female figures in art who, as if in a Las Vegas revue, step out of their frames and take on exciting new life.
The Breakdown 1990    star_border 6
A man waits at the side of the motorway with a tow rope, waiting for a car to tow him. Many, many cars go by without stopping until the driver of a small dilapidated car takes pity on him. The rope is attached. The other end of the rope leads to a pot-hole in the road. Lurking insides the pot-hole is a surprise.
Kafka's Dream 1990
Kafka watches a waitress nibbling from a little pot that she has to serve to somebody. Kafka is outraged and complains about it. The girl gets sentenced to stoning and he complains again and regrets what he has done befoe. When he is not able to stop people throwing stones at her, he committs suicide. However, people help the girl to get up and she continues her usual work.
Island Joke 1990
Three men shipwrecked on a desolate island are granted a helpful gift by a mermaid, only to misuse it entirely.
Drei feiern Weihnachten 1989
Animated short film
Den Glücklichen schlägt jede Stunde 1989
Animated short film
Das Birnenmädchen 1989
Das Myrtenfräulein 1989
The Folklore of the Schleife Region 1989
A foray through the Sorbian customs of central Lusatia, made in the GDR. This classic work of documentary filmmaking covers the course of a year, in the process elaborating on village architecture, furniture, costumes, handicrafts, legends and oral traditions, as well as significant customs such as Zapust and the gift giving child.
Die große Reise der alten Schildkröte 1989
Somewhere in an unknown land of turtles, an old turtle wants to see the world. After hearing a cancan record she wants to dance and decides to take a ship to Europe - to Paris. Once there, she learns how to do the cancan, wears sequinned dresses, stiletto-heeled shoes and net stockings. She loses these wonderful things on her journey home but she still has her memories and the zest for life.
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