Brown Boy Productions
Hey Google 2020
In the midst of COVID-19 quarantine and a World wide pandemic, Nader struggles to adapt to life alone. His only companion being a Google home hub system. When faced with the reality of not being able to be with the one he loves, will Google be enough to stop him from loosing all hope?
Jermaine & Elsie 2017    star_border 4.7
Elsie is a fiercely independent, equally opinionated pensioner with a drink problem and reliant on daily help including Jermaine, a black, sexually ambiguous carer. Initially, their relationships is combative but he wins her over with his non-conventional ways. When Jermaine disappears without a word, Elsie is determined to find out what happened to him.
Almost Saw the Sunshine 2017    star_border 1
Rachel is a young aspiring transgender woman. After a series of coincidental encounters with a handsome man, she impulsively takes a chance on a one night stand which leads to disastrous consequences.
CrossRoad 2016    star_border 5.2
Liam, a young man wrecked with confusion after an incident that one night guides him on a mission of self-discovery where the choices he faces may risk changing his life forever.
The Definition of Lonely 2015    star_border 3.8
A lonely, socially awkward man meets an outgoing dog owner at a park bench. They make a connection.
Soft Lad 2015    star_border 5.8
Twenty-two year old David has it all – he’s young, hot, and he’s just got into the prestigious dance school of his dreams. But he has a secret: for two years he’s been sleeping with his sister’s husband, Jules. After an argument between the two lovers, David throws himself into a one-night stand with Sam, a casual encounter which fast becomes something much stronger.