Reichsanstalt für Film und Bild im Unterricht (RWU)
Hirten und Herden in der Pußta 1943
Short film about shepherds in the Puszta
Muskarin-Vergiftung und ihre Beseitigung durch Atropin bei der Katze 1941
Parasympathetic irritation is generated in the test animal by subcutaneous injection of muscarine. Salivary secretion, miosis, convulsive evacuation of thin feces and severe shortness of breath as signs of intoxication with a parasympathomimetic. The symptoms of intoxication are reversed by subcutaneous injection of atropine.
Strychnin-Krämpfe bei der Katze 1941
Demonstration of the rapid poisoning of a cat hung up in a cloth, strychnine as a trigger of the tonic form of convulsions.
Kinematographische Studien an Impatiens, Vicia, Tulipa, Mimosa und Desmodium von W. Pfeffer (1898-1900) 1940
Plant movements in historical films by Wilhelm Pfeffers: geotropic bending of a horizontal Impatiens glandulifera; germination of Vicia faba; development and flowering in tulip, leaf movement in Mimosa speggazzinii and Desmodium gyrans.
Walfang im südlichen Eismeer 1939
The escort vessel with the harpoon searches for whales. The sailor on the observation mast points to a whale. The whale is hit with the harpoon. The prey is pulled into the main ship with winches, where it is cut up and processed immediately.
Eine Fahrt zur Zugspitze 1938
A silent short documentary produced by Dix-Film.
Bergsteiger in den Allgäuer Alpen: Teil 2 - Abstieg 1937
A silent short documentary directed by Norman Dix.
Bergsteiger in den Allgäuer Alpen: Teil 1 - Aufstieg 1937
A silent short documentary directed by Norman Dix.
Afrikanische Affen 1936
A study of the behavior of monkeys in the African jungle.
Der Muskelmann Wilhelm Emter aus Lörrach 1936
Wilhelm Emter demonstrates individual muscles and muscle groups of the shoulder region, chest region, torso and abdominal region and the arm in practice on his extremely trained body.
Hund ohne Großhirn und Striatum 1936
Compulsory locomotion and continuous circular movement to the operated side without orientation in case of a onesided removal of the cerebrum and corpus striatum. In case of a doublesided removal there are no spontaneous movements with a normal posture and movement coordination. The dogs' reaction towards external stimuli only.