The Royal Dutch Marine Corps 1965    star_border 6
Het korps Mariniers is a documentary about the Royal Dutch Marine Corps, which Paul Verhoeven made while being assigned to the Marine Film Service as a documentary filmmaker.
J.C. Mol (filmer) 1955
A compilation of J.C. Mol's work; Mol was a filmmaker who made his name with microscopic recordings, his use of the "time lapse" camera and sped-up/slowed-down film recordings. Mol delivers the commentary himself.
Paradies auf Erden 1950
One of the first detailed photo reportages about the country and its people, customs and traditions, the economy and transportation in Indonesia. Skillfully inserted travel sketches from the Suez Canal to Singapore break up the documentary.
Tournooi 1948    star_border 5
A short film on the matingritual of hens and ruffs
Het Bijstere Land van Veluwen 1948    star_border 5
An impression of national park De Hoge Veluwe in the Netherlands. Flora and fauna, park management and the legend of St. Hubertus.
Van een Eiland en Schapen 1948    star_border 7
Short film on the bearers of the golden fleece, sheep, and the economic importance of sheep breeding for the island Texel.
Altijd Welkom 1935
Volendam 1930
The film shows the locals walking through the village in "Volendammer klederdracht" traditional dress and posing for the camera. Halfway through the film, several people dressed in modern clothing also pose amidst the Volendammers. The images suggest that this is an amateur film shot during a visit. At the end of the film, three Volendammers sail away along a canal on a small boat.
Time-lapse 1930
Time-lapse footage of growth processes in nature.
Crystals in Color 1927
Several versions of Mol's film "From the Realm of the Crystals" exist; In the film, the crystallization processes of various chemicals are shown. This is a shorter, colour version of the film which was made ​​using Dufay colour.
Anthony van Leeuwenhoek 1924
An informative documentary in five parts about the life of the 17th century microbiologist and microscopist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and his discoveries in the field of micro-organisms.