Zero Degree Arts
Obituary Love Morphine 2022
A man and a woman exploring their organic life in exchange for their pseudo-existence in a world that never exists.
Beneath Her Shroud 2022
After the nocturnal collision, an 80-year-old woman dreadfully left her home in search of a contemporary identity to discern an invulnerable womb for her leftover life. During this journey, she congregated with several anonymous women with a congenial mind from oppugnant clans at different climes. One monsoon noon, she came to the grave of a girl child, where finally, she met with her existence.
In the cross-fade of time, sense and the three elements of our existence 2020
The mystery of fire, air, and water anonymously countering the past, present, and future. Their counterparts are metamorphosed with three spectrum of color (red, green, and blue) psychology, shifting stances in this time of uncertainties. This video installation project is a loop presentation to hypnotize the audience in a way to interact with them in audio-visual medium with an idea to show the mirror image of their own life and the race they are running and losing or winning every day in exchange for their abandoned existence.
Stark Electric Jesus 2014    star_border 5
After some decisive titillation by IPC 377, a claustrophobic man cages himself into a circle of hallucination. The film simply follows his fantasies frame by frame.
Companion 2014
A 30-year-old cycle rejuvenates its life with the help of his new companion.
An obsolete altar 2013    star_border 10
Rape is a social cancer. Women are victimized everywhere. The country is roaring. The intellects are walking with candles. The government pay the allowances to the victim. The oppositions are taking advantage. The process of purgation has been already started. The media get excited with justice. But, what will happen if the victim is not a female? A strip of a bra. A cot of underwear. The wire is the only witness of two suicides. A male! A female! A gender less animal (it!)! Customs! Witchcraft! Expurgation! Government! All these nonsense! Hypnotism.... Death, Death n' death with materials! Murder! Murder! Murder! No rally! No protest! Behave like all three stupid monkeys! Shameless hypocrisies! Go the hell! Piss! Stools! Vomit! False! False! False! Fuck! All these under authorities! Materialized under an obsolete altar!