Alexandra Films
The Tesla Case 2023
The Tesla case is a contemporary story about the adventures of the ten-year-old Tony and Raya, who have become friends after the previous Curie case. As a promising young "inventor," Tony develops a wireless synthesis device inspired by eccentric scientist Nikola Tesla. Tony strongly believes that his discovery will solve the global energy crisis. For his disappointment he had to go to camp with his classmates. He calls for a company his beloved girlfriend and neighbor Raya, who gladly welcomes her because she is once again abandoned by her eternally traveling parents. Surviving nature will not be the only obstacle that Tony expects to be. Chief of local scouts, Victor, is jealous of Tony, decides to break his scientific experiments and win the heart of Paradise as she unfolds the mystery of a mysterious werewolf wandering in the woods.
Bai Ivan 2 2022    star_border 1
A sequel to the Bulgarian 2021 movie "Bai Ivan"
Without Limit 1995    star_border 4
Mexican drug cartels kidnap an international policeman's son to force him to help smuggle drugs into El Paso, Texas. These ruthless cartels operate without laws, without mercy and without limits. How can one man hope to survive against these odds?
El bengador gusticiero y su pastelera madre 1977    star_border 4
Les Biches 1968    star_border 6
A bored bisexual millionaire picks up a young destitute street artist and whisks her away to her villa in Saint Tropez. They meet a dashing local architect and both fall for him, setting in motion a ménage à trois of deception and betrayal.
The Challenge 1960    star_border 5.3
Jailed for his role in a gang heist and ditched by its female leader (Jayne Mansfield), a widower (Anthony Quayle) decides to keep the loot.