Corte y Confección de Películas
Free Falling 2024    star_border 6
Marisol is the national rhythmic gymnastics coach, methodical, demanding and authoritative. The World Championship is approaching and she places all her gold medal hopes on Angelica, the team's most promising newcomer. Two weeks before the final, Marisol discovers that her husband is having an affair with a much younger woman with whom she is expecting a child. Marisol does not contemplate failure, so she embarks on a desperate race to win him back, without taking into account her motives and feelings. Her pain is transferred to her tatami, where she becomes even more implacable towards Angelica, in whom she places her hopes of success. At this point, winning gold is all that's left for him.
Muyeres 2023
Constantina and Irene have become the last guardians of a centuries-old oral tradition doomed to disappear. A musician tries to find them and undertakes a journey where life moves forward and shows the fragility of everything that surrounds us.
The Strange 2020
Amadeu, nine years old, goes to a summer camp for the first time. The first few days are tough, but Nil, the most expert monitor, gains his trust and helps him integrate into the group. Just when Amadeu starts to feel comfortable a violent experience forces him to rebel against everything he had learned.
Querido Fotogramas 2018    star_border 4
The 70th anniversary of the “Fotogramas” magazine comes in the shape of a sentimental voyage through the history of Spanish cinema thanks to a mosaic of voices represented by people who make films, those who write them and those who consume them. The documentary pays tribute to the readers of “Fotogramas” helped by the leading figures of Spanish cinema, who will read to the camera the most representative letters received at its offices in the history of the magazine.
The Next Skin 2016    star_border 5.8
A teenager who went missing and was presumed dead returns home after eight years to find a family deeply affected by his disappearance. Gradually, doubts arise about whether he really is the missing boy or an impostor.
Don't Leave Me 2015    star_border 4
Laura and Luis. Two characters mired in contradiction: she wants to go back to him but attacks and rebuffs him; he doesn’t want her back, but there he is, at her place, taking off his jacket. A story of heartbreak, where a woman mistakes desire for the need to fill an endless void.
Les claus 2014    star_border 6
What if love is a game you can only win by cheating?
Otel·lo 2013    star_border 2
OTHELLO is a cinematographic essay about power, desire, jealousy and deceit; a thought on the boundaries between fiction and real life.