XBO films
Green Line 2024
The film opens on a tale with animated figurines in miniature settings reconstructing Fida’s childhood during the war. It then shifts to a documentary style with a series of real confrontations between Fida and ex-militiamen manipulating the small figurines. The miniature material becomes a bridge between different subjective stories, infusing the collective history with individual details. The experience of this confrontational space turns out to be cathartic. The narrative moves around between realities and temporalities.
Gigi 2024
From a tormented little mermaid to the blossoming woman she is today, Gigi recounts her transitional journey with humor and sensitivity.
Butterfly 2024    star_border 6
A man swims in the sea. This brings back memories. They are all connected to water, from his early childhood to his adult life. This will be the story of his last swim.
Marcel, Father Christmas (and the little pizza delivery boy) 2023
Christmas Eve, somewhere in a gray suburb, a young daydreaming pizza delivery boy named Abdou, meets the real Santa Claus, who’s name is Marcel. The journey of this worn out and tired old man is jeopardized by a stupid accident with a scooter. Thanks to Abdou, who calls on the help of some of the neighborhood’s unusual characters, Santa’s distribution is completed. In a mayhem of song and dance, Christmas is saved!
Le parapluie 2022
My Tiger 2022
Mr K works for «Pastagel», a miraculous product which keeps your hair perfectly smooth and shiny all day long. Mr K tries to be neat, but his hair is rebellious and doesn’t stay in place, perhaps just like him?
A Stone in the Shoe 2021    star_border 7
A pupil turns up to his new class for the first time. However, this pupil is different to the others, he's a frog in a class of rabbits.
The Crossing 2021    star_border 7.5
In a small town plunged into darkness, two children, Kyona and Adriel, are separated from their parents and, facing the path of exile alone, embark on a heroic journey that will take them from childhood to adolescence, in search of refuge, peace and the hope of finding their family.
It Wasn't Bourgogne 2021
Between two unsolicited calls, the director’s grandfather recalls an episode from the time when he was twenty and fought in the Second World War.
The Barber Shop 2018    star_border 5
Surrendered to razors and scissors, Emran, Gadisa and Maher are having their hair cut and beards trimmed. Sitting before the mirror, their thoughts drift between memories of their countries and the tragic events of the journey that brought them here, to the Calais Jungle.
How's Your Prostrate? 2016    star_border 7.5
A discussion between two girlfriends: one tells the other of the strange moment when, by the swimming pool, she got news of her father’s prostate, his erectile function, and then quite unexpectedly, his nighttime fantasies.
Women's Letters 2014    star_border 8.2
XI. La Force 2013
Clémence is confined to her bed. Her future calls out to her, showing her places, people, and glimpses of other lives. But how can this future be realized if she remains bedridden? She must sift through her past and revisit a childhood that was not so happy after all, a time when danger could arise at any moment.
Fire Waltz 2011
In the trenches of WWI, soldiers let off steam by cobbling together musical instruments.
La question Release date not available
After the daily newspaper Alger Républicain was banned from publication in 1955, its editor Henri Alleg went underground. He was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in 1957 by the French army in Algeria.
The Treasure of the Wyrm Release date not available
Middle Ages, year 1077. Sant’Anselmo, a grumpy hermit living on the top of an icy mountain, is accidentally dragged downhill by Ranin, a strange wild child with whom - unwillingly – he will navigate the foggy river Po among monstrous creatures, crumbling boats, ancient legends and strange companions, in search of a legendary giant pumpkin and, perhaps, a mysterious feeling called affection.