Alabama Public Television
Stacey Holloway 2020
Lockdown and safety measures for Covid-19 made tangible human interaction harder, if not impossible, to get. Birmingham based artist and professor, Stacey Holloway, transformed her yearning for physical touch into an interactive series of kinetic sculptures. From hugs to high fives, Stacey captures the spirit of what she missed most about proximity to others, with humor and affection.
Migratuse 2020
“What does it look like to witness someone else’s grief?” Klein Arts & Culture partners with the Alabama Dance Council to present Migratuse Ataraxia by the Wideman Davis Dance Company. This powerful multimedia performance takes shape at Klein-Wallace plantation in Harpersville, AL. The collaboration offers a blueprint for reconciliation, healing, and hope for a way forward with shared narrative.
Celestia Morgan 2020
Birmingham-based conceptual photographer Celestia Morgan uses image to exercise and amplify her voice. Morgan's latest project draws on family experiences with redlining, inspiring her to create work that challenges assumptions about the communities around us.
Missile to Moon 2012
Track the evolution of Huntsville, Alabama, from the "Watercress Capital of the World" to "Rocket City, USA," Wernher von Braun's journey from German Rocket Engineer to American Hero, and the role this unlikely combination played in thrusting the United States into the forefront of the Space Age.
Mr. Dial Has Something to Say 2007
The documentary film "Mr. Dial Has Something to Say" investigates the problem of classism and racism in the elite American art world. By following the dramatic, disturbing story of Thornton Dial, a 79-year-old American-African artist from Alabama's Black Belt.