Eternal Productions
In Search of the Dead 2019
After researching anomalous phenomena for many years, Laura Rowton decided to embark upon a journey of discovery in search of proof of life after death. "In Search of the Dead" follows her across Europe as she interviews renowned academics and experts, and shadows experienced ghost hunters and paranormal investigators. As an open-minded sceptic, her intention is to observe and document the different opinions surrounding the ever-increasing belief in the existence of spirits of the dead. Yet, before too long she realises that, when handling such emotive subject matter, it is not always possible to remain an unaffected observer.
God of Wonders 2008    star_border 7.1
The natural universe reveals God's power, majesty, wisdom, and creative genius. The human conscience reveals God's justice and man's need for redemption. Finally, Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation of God's love for us.
Countdown to Eternity 1999    star_border 10
Bible expert Bill Gallatin explores biblical prophecies from the Book of Revelation that have transpired, with a discussion of whether these events signify that we are now living in the End Times preceding the return of Jesus Christ. Gallatin touches on events such as the increasingly acute difficulties in the Middle East, numerous environmental catastrophes, earthquakes and more, explaining how they connect to scriptural writings.
A Question of Origins 1998    star_border 10
Understanding mankind's true origin is essential in determining one's final destiny. This visually rich, full production presents conclusive evidence that the universe and all life were created. In addition, scientific foreknowledge found only in the Bible reveals that the God of the Bible is the Creator. A Question of Origins is essential viewing for anyone who has questions or doubts concerning the scientific accuracy of the Word of God. A great witnessing tool intended for our current generation.