Dreamlab Films
Hamrah ba Baad 2021
Tirishko 2020
A young woman lives alone in Tehran with her cat, Tirishko. Having learnt that her mother in Ispahan is ill, she decides to go and look after her. But as she cannot find anyone to take care of Tirishko, she sets off with the cat in tow. Her subsequent journey is not without incident.
Titi 2020    star_border 8
Cinematic magical realism meets hard-edged drama in Ida Panahandeh’s stunning look at the life of Titi, an Iranian Roma Gypsy who earns pennies cleaning hospitals, becomes a surrogate mother… and saves the world from a rogue black hole.
Dressage 2019    star_border 5.1
Golsa is a 16-year-old girl living with her family in a small town near Tehran. She spends most of her time hanging out with a group of friends. One day the group decide on a course of action the consequences of which will have unexpected results and turn their little bit of fun into something far more complicated.
Daughter... Father... Daughter 2011    star_border 5
The solitary existence of three sisters living in the traditional central western region of Iran, where the occasional traveling salesman serves as a distraction from the general monotony.
A Separation 2011    star_border 7.9
A married couple are faced with a difficult decision - to improve the life of their child by moving to another country or to stay in Iran and look after a deteriorating parent who has Alzheimer's disease.