location_onMoscow, USSRpublicSU
Miracle Factory. Animation Director 2005
The history of Russian animated films.
The Magnet Has Secrets 1994
Breakfast with a View to the Elbrus Mountains 1993    star_border 7.3
After a painful break up a journalist is traveling to the Elbrus mountains where he meets another woman.
Group Portrait as a Still Life 1993    star_border 5
Documentary on the interdependence of the world of the living and the dead, and 'the infernal influence on the thoughts and actions of living people.
Your Fingers Smell Like Incense 1993    star_border 5
Lenin's Body 1992
In 1991, the Communist Empire of the USSR was destroyed. And one of the main symbols of Soviet power — Lenin's Mausoleum and Lenin's Body itself were left without an owner. The film tells about Lenin's body, its contents, its protection and different opinions about the future of this body — to sell, to revive ..., to bury. "Lenin's Body" is a film about a society that survived the collapse of the Empire.
Grandpa Is Good, But... Won't Say Where He's Hidden the Money 1992
Stepan Ivanovich - a veteran of the party, being in the responsible post of commissar of finance, decided to make a gift to the future generation, for which he hid two pounds of gold. An enterprising typist who helps in writing memoirs, having learned about the hidden treasure, is trying to “help” his grandfather suffering from sclerosis, to remember where he hid it, bringing into the matter her husband and the first psychic they could find. But the old man remembers everything ... except the place where he buried the treasure.
Scorpion Poison 1991
Journalist Anna falls asleep, being on duty in crisis phone center. She sees scenes from famous erotic films in her dreams.
American Spy 1991
A Soviet warship is on a friendly mission in the United States. A young officer Nikolai Korenev meets an American girl, Mary. A romance begins between them...
Who Are You, Madame Blavatsky? 1991
A drama documentary about Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), a Russian occultist, spirit medium, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.
Dog's Happiness 1991
Dog’s happiness is at it’s highest, when this poodle named "Malysh" is together with his best friend Andryusha.
Revelation of Ivan Efremov 1990
About the life and work of the scientist and writer Ivan Efremov.
Homo Paradoksum II 1990    star_border 4
This film explores the paradox of dEvolution and how Homo Insanicus took over the largest country in the world. Film didn't lose its actuality, because rivalry between Homo Sapiens and Homo Insanicus continues...
Aylanpa – World in a Vortex 1989
Just before the collapse of the Soviet Union, perestroika gave Chinghiz Aitmatov the opportunity to reflect on the goals and ideals of socialism and how it itself had denied them. In this essayistic film, starting with his personal life story (his father was shot as an enemy of the state, he himself was a highly respected student and artist in the Soviet Union) and the history of the Kyrgyz people (bearers of a vibrant and distinctive culture destroyed by socialism), he eventually arrives at big questions about the goal of human progress and the fate of humanity in the 21st century. "What will life be like for people in the 21st century?" he asks, not least in view of looming ecological catastrophes, and answers: That is the sole responsibility of humanity. Long difficult to find, the film has now been uploaded to YouTube in a restored 4K version by Kyrgyzfilm.
Nocturne 1931 1989
...Although he signed a confession to what he was accused of, he remained the honest and decent person he had been all his life.
Photo Wallpaper 1989
A wordless, abstract cartoon on a sociio-political themes of 1980s Russia
Homo Paradoksum I 1989    star_border 4.8
An experimental film about life on earth as a cosmic experiment and the curiosity and naivete of reaching out to alien life.
If Mortals Only Had the Power... 1988
A film about the life and work of the great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.
In the Wilds Where Rivers Run 1987
Once in the fierce winter, student Roger McKay forced the shopkeeper to distribute food supplies to the Indians. Hiding from justice, the hero meets Neyda in a remote land - an orphan, brought up in the family of a merchant of stolen whiskey, who wants to quickly marry her to a rich neighbor. Roger and Neyda, having fallen in love with each other, decide to secretly get married and leave these places. But Roger is justified - and the hero, along with his beloved, returns to his house.
The Museum Remains 1986
About the founder of the State Museum of Art in Nukus, I.V. Savitsky.
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